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Incident Reports [Centers]

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  • Incident Reports [Centers]

    This question is primarily for people who work or have worked in daycare centers.

    What is/was your center's policy regarding accident/incident reports?

    I got in trouble today for filling out the report "wrong"when I was told to fill one out. It was a pretty basic one child bit another- unprovoked. In fact, prior to the bite, the children were not interacting with each other in any way.

    I filled out the report for the child who was bitten. "While playing, another child bit [name] on the back of her right shoulder."

    In the past, incident reports were extremely important. They must be completed in blue or black ink. Full legal names of staff are required. If you make a mistake, you must destroy/discard the report and fill out a new one.

    Nope. Apparently, last names are NOT allowed on incident reports at this center. And my use of "child" instead of "a friend" in the report was wrong. I could understand not using gender specific language for the child who bit, but there was nothing inaccurate about saying "another child."

    Also, do you fill out reports for the children who initiate the injury? The director thinks it's insane to write out a report saying "When playing with toys, [Name] bit another child." She says that kids collide and hurt each other all the time. I don't think you should write out a report if a child bumps into another and a child falls and gets hurt, that's one thing. If a child PUSHES another child (or bites, scratches, otherwise attacks a child and injures a child as a result), I was always taught that you document that behavior.

    Of course, the fact that I didn't automatically know their policies and I was trained at a center with very strict policies in place regarding incident/accident reports was an issue.

  • #2
    It's been a while since I've been at a center....but....

    Incident reports are for actual injuries. Not every little altercation. Those happen every few minutes in a large center. So if there is no mark left on the child, or medical care or first aid aren't needed, no report is made.

    Also, no child names in reports that parents see, but in my own files I use names.


    • #3
      This place is a train wreck. You shouldn't be running a classroom without first having been trained. They've set you up for failure.


      • #4
        I would day DCChild #1 or DCChild #2 and would not use the wording “a friend” as no friend of mine has ever bitten me :confused:


        • #5
          We always say another child. The way you worded it is the way we do it. Both children receive one, the biters says dcb but another child while playing. That way you have it documented that dcb is a biter and the parents cannot pretend like they didn't know.


          • #6
            We do have reports for both biter and victim. We use the word ‘student’.
            Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-03-2018, 01:59 PM.


            • #7
              At my center, anything that leaves a mark gets a report. Anything above the neck also gets a call home.
              For biting, both children get an incident report and a call home.
              Other child caused injuries, such as scratches, don't always mean a report for the "agressor" unless it's a repeat thing or we are documenting a particular child's behavior.
              The report gets the injured child's full name and the full name of the witness, both printed and signature.
              I've always used the term "another child." Another teacher in my room once used "a friend" and when signing the report the parent made a sarcastic comment about "some friend."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bluemoon5 View Post
                Another teacher in my room once used "a friend" and when signing the report the parent made a sarcastic comment about "some friend."
                :: My center also uses "a friend", it is kind of funny.


                • #9
                  That was my experience. You document/report any injury that leaves a mark or any head injury.

                  In past experiences, the instigator gets a report if it is an intentional "attack". If two children are playing together and DCC1 falls and scratches DCC2 with long fingernails in the process of falling, I will write an incident report for DCC2 saying "While playing, another child fell, scratching DCC2 in the process." There is no need to write a report for DCC1 since it was a complete accident. I will, however, write a friendly reminder or speak to DCM/DCD at pick-up letting them know that DCC1's nails need to be trimmed.

                  If DCC1 and DCC2 are fighting over a toy or DCC1 walks over to DCC2 unprovoked and scratches his/her face, then both get reports written. DCC1 is still given the same note about cutting fingernails.

                  However, I also make sure to detail the circumstances regarding the injury when relevant. Did Amy bite Katie after Katie took a toy out of Amy's hands? If so, I will write on Amy's report "While playing with dolls, another child took a toy from Amy. Amy bit the child in response." On Katie's report, I will write "While playing in the classroom, Katie grabbed a toy from another child. The child bit Katie on her right hand in response."

                  My favorite incident reports:

                  1. "While playing in centers, Kelly bit herself on the hand leaving a red mark."

                  2. While on the playground, Elliot scratched himself by running into the playground fence.

                  3. and 4. (Siblings):

                  3- "While playing, Willow bit another child."

                  4. "While playing, Fiona was bitten by another child."

                  [It's kind of funny writing incident reports for sibling injuries because you're supposed to keep the other child anonymous, but when the same person is signing for the biter and the bitee, anonymity is out the window.]


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by happymom View Post
                    :: My center also uses "a friend", it is kind of funny.
                    There's a book I got to read to one of my biters at a former position ("Biting is for Food"):

                    "People don't bite people.
                    It's nasty and it's rude.
                    A FRIEND WILL NEVER BITE A FRIEND.
                    Biting is for food."


                    • #11
                      At my center anything that leaves a mark gets an incident report. When writing up these reports I say things like.

                      Kyle was running on the playground when he fell and skinned his knee.

                      Ava was playing in the classroom when another child scratched her on the arm.

                      We do not mention the name of the child who does the hitting, scratching, pushing in these reports.

                      On biting incidents both the biter and the bitee get reports.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        I would day DCChild #1 or DCChild #2 and would not use the wording “a friend” as no friend of mine has ever bitten me :confused:
                        Lmao...I was thinking the same thing...


                        • #13
                          I write reports for my personal just never know if you will need it. I write first and last names. I would never remember who DDC1 is. And I agree with friends have never taken a bite out of me. ( taste like chicken comes to mind ).

                          Also, I have a couple who get blamed for everything by one child. Her mom reminds her that it is Saturday and the boys are not even around. I can refer to my report to clarify her tails.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LostMyMarbles View Post
                            I write reports for my personal just never know if you will need it. I write first and last names. I would never remember who DDC1 is. And I agree with friends have never taken a bite out of me. ( taste like chicken comes to mind ).

                            Also, I have a couple who get blamed for everything by one child. Her mom reminds her that it is Saturday and the boys are not even around. I can refer to my report to clarify her tails.
                            We'd probably be trouble if we lived near each other....that was running through my mind too while I was reading. ::

