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Feel Like I Haven't Done Anything Today!

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  • Feel Like I Haven't Done Anything Today!

    New almost 4 mo started today. It's tough getting to know a new schedule and temperament, reading their signs.
    Then baby gets very fussy for over an hour this a.m. so I tried everything I could think of while getting us all outside, amid the barking dogs, screaming baby and yelling(happy yelling but yelling all the same) toddlers. LO finally falls asleep for 30 minutes so I throw lunch together. He wakes up and I feed the tots, get his bottle which he takes 1/2 an oz. at a time in between more crying. He finally has a massive b.m. and seems much happier. He fell asleep at noon. happyface
    Hopefully, we can find our rhythm soon and everybody will be happier. I feel bad when the others start getting shortchanged in their attention.

  • #2
    I have one out sick today and 2 that never come on Mondays so I loaded up my 3 kiddos and we headed to the park. Ran into two cousins of one of my kiddos (unplanned) and played for awhile and then my niece through a fit and we had to leave early.. expecting them up from nap soon.

    Hopefully your new babe gets into a good rhythm quickly! Did getting them outside go okay? I know that is something you worried about.

    I miss having a baby here but it’s also nice not having one. We have a baby (will be almost 4 months) visiting at the end of next week. I haven’t told the kiddos yet but they’ll be excited and all up in her space I’m sure...


    • #3
      When I had a new baby start, i felt so bad for the other kids. I didnt realize that this baby was always held, doesnt sleep, and was going to cry all day!


      • #4
        Exactly why I refrain from having infants in care.

        I took a drop in family (their provider had knee replacement) and the kids are 2.5 yrs old and 10 months.

        My last "infant" turned 2 last July so it's been awhile since I've had an infant and all I have to say is NEVER.AGAIN.

        They are hard and they take up ALL 99.9% of your attention so yes, that remaining attention you have has to be split among the rest of the kids....

        They are cute and all but they're cuter if they are someone else's responsibility.


        • #5
          Storybook, I put the babe in a front pack and except for the crying it worked out well because as soon as I got the 2 tots out of the stroller to play, I set the babe in it and wheeled him around. That kept him happy. He's really a cutie, got the sweetest smile, when he's happy. Lol He falls asleep pretty easily but also wakes up fairly easily. Plus he doesn't like screaming kids of which I happen to have 1 at the moment. 2 yo screamed the entire snack because she wanted a certain chair and I wasn't giving into her because someone else was sitting there. Consequently the babe cried all of snack.
          Oh well I think it'll all work out, just takes time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            Exactly why I refrain from having infants in care.

            I took a drop in family (their provider had knee replacement) and the kids are 2.5 yrs old and 10 months.

            My last "infant" turned 2 last July so it's been awhile since I've had an infant and all I have to say is NEVER.AGAIN.

            They are hard and they take up ALL 99.9% of your attention so yes, that remaining attention you have has to be split among the rest of the kids....

            They are cute and all but they're cuter if they are someone else's responsibility.
            No more infants for me either. I get calls every day for them too. It's too much work.

