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Stocking Up

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  • Stocking Up

    At the moment I'm not spending a whole lot on weekly groceries. So I'd like to plan ahead and stock up, shop the sales, etc. What kinds of things would you look for?
    We don't eat a lot of canned goods, so I'm thinking pasta, brown rice, baking ingredients for the holidays, WG crackers, paper products and meats for the freezer. Laundry detergent, dish soap. The only cereal that gets eaten at all is Cheerios.

    What types of things would you stock your shelves with? What might I be forgetting?

    Thanks for your ideas!!

  • #2
    Kleenex, toilet paper, bread (freezer)?

    Probably an unnecessary warning but if you decide to stock up on things, just make sure you have a safe place to store them. Several years ago, the store we buy from had several buy one/get one sales on paper goods like Kleenex, paper towels and tp. There were also sales on meat and frozen veggies. As we stocked up, we were so happy thinking about all the money we'd be saving. Not long after, an ice storm hit our area. (Not typical weather for our area and it was a total surprise - not predicted at all.) Our power was out for a week and all stores in surrounding states were sold out of generators. Since we had no power, our sump pump didn't work and our cellar, that doesn't usually get wet, was flooded. All of the paper goods we had stocked up on got soaked and ended up having to be thrown out. We also had to throw out a freezer full of meat, bread and veggies. We ended up losing money vs. saving it.


    • #3
      Oh No! Some days it just doesn't pay to try and think ahead does it??
      I've been thinking more on this and figure I'll just buy some extra of my regular purchases when they come on sale, then throw the money I don't spend back into the bank. Heating fuel season is almost upon us again.


      • #4
        Heating oil bills?! Shhhh! Not something I even want to think about given the summery weather we've been lucky enough to hang on to so far. I lost sight of the fact that the first official day of Fall comes at the end of this week. I don't even want to think about the cold weather - and oil bills - that will be coming before too long!


        • #5
          I don't have a lot of storage, but I do make sure I have about a month's worth of the canned and dry goods that we use regularly.

          And, I pay an extra $50 a month on utilities when I have it, so that I can keep paying a lower amount through the Summer when I have to use the AC.

