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Routine for Little Ones

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  • Routine for Little Ones

    I know some of you just take younger dcks. What does your routine look like, if you don't mind sharing? Right now, I have 2 dcks, 1 15 mo and an almost 2 yo. In another week I'll be adding an infant, 3 1/2 mo.
    And that's it each day, until the prek and k dcks get here at 3:00.
    The only routine I have revolves around meals/snack, quiet time and outdoor time.

  • #2
    My husband and I do group daycare and we have 3 infants (a 4th infant on Friday's only) and 3 toddlers, and my 3 year old daughter and son who's in kindergarten. Our routine is pretty much like yours and based around naps and meals/snacks and outdoor time. The babies sleep 2-3 hours in the morning and again in the afternoon while the toddlers sleep. As long as the weather is nice the toddlers are usually outside a couple hours with one of us, while the other one keeps an eye on the sleeping babies. It will be nice once the babies get older and dont need as much sleep and we can all go out at the same time. We are pretty much play based at this time, and just look for teachable moments throughout the day. I think once they get a little older we may start doing a circle time, but right now they just wont sit still long enough and just want to play and explore. If things aren't too hectic with the babies before nap I try to do a story time.


    • #3
      I have the same as you, expect the 3.5 m month is mine and is here all the time.
      7:30 dcb2 arrives, we take DD to the bus, then back to the house for breakfast and so I can feed DS. We play until dcg15 months arrives @ 9:30. Then she has snack as I get DS and dcb ready to go out side. We play outside as long as possible (it has been raining a lot here) Then we go in, play in the playroom and I will do some circle time with the 2 yo, by just talking to him and reading books while the 15 mo. plays. I will do diaper changes for all and then start lunch. They eat, then nap. After nap, it's snack and outside time or go home depending on how long they slept.
      The 15 mo will not let me read her a book, she won't sit near me or even on my lap, when I try to read, age has a one track mind and trys to take the book and leave. She even tries to take the book when I read to dcb. So I don't include her on circle time but she's always in the room.


      • #4
        I have 3 under 3 right now and this is my routine:
        7:30am first kid arrives and I feed them breakfast
        8:30am next two kids arrive and we do free play
        8:40am infant naps for an hour while other kids play and I help my own kids get ready for school
        9:30am Snack
        ~10am outside
        ~11:30am inside for washup and free play
        ~12pm lunch is served
        ~1 pm nap time
        ~2pm wakeup and snack
        ~2:30-3pm free play and art or we head outsidd
        ~3:30pm outside if it is nice
        4pm inside until pickup time.

        These are all approximates because I usually play it by ear. If kids are having fun outside we play right until lunch, otherwise we may come in a bit earlier. We also go outside longer in the afternoon if possible. This group are very sloooooow eaters so some snacks can take over 1/2 hour to eat. My pickup times vary from 4:10pm to 4:40pm so we have to be inside for that.


        • #5
          Three under three

          I also have three under three (15 m, 16 m, and 2.5y). Here is our schedule:
          8-9–Drop off/free play/one eats breakfast
          9:00 Circle time
          9:10 Art
          9:20 Sensory activity
          9:30 walk
          10:00. Free play/snack/diapers
          10:30-11:00– music, motor and game/puzzle activities
          11:00 learning activity
          11:15 story time
          11:30 lunch/clean up/indoor-outdoor freepkay (screened in porch directly off playroom)
          12:30/1. Nap
          2:30/3. Wake up/snack/cartoon
          Indoor-outdoor free play
          4:30 pick up

