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V Day Mood Ruined

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  • V Day Mood Ruined

    I have 12 daycare children. I gave all parents a list of names of children and let them know 2 weeks ago that we would be having a Valentines Day Party today. Out of those 12 children ONLY 5 brought Valentines for others. 2 of those 5 were from the same family.

    Then one kid that did not bring Valentines had the nerve to tell the 5 they did that the Valentines were stupid and they should have given out candy with them.

    I just feel like cancelling the party now but it wont be fair to the 5 considerate ones.
    Last edited by Michael; 02-14-2011, 07:37 PM.

  • #2
    That sucks!! Are those 5 children by chance your latest kids? Maybe you could start the party after some of the other's left.


    • #3
      Ugh...what a bummer! Any way the kiddos can make some quicky valentine's for each other?? Maybe just cutting out some hearts and letting them draw or write names on them (not sure of your ages). Hopefully you can come up with something...
      Last edited by Michael; 02-14-2011, 07:38 PM.


      • #4
        There are far too many rude adults in the world. It is neat that you may be able to shape a child to grow up to be a polite adult.

        Let the unappreciative ones know their comments are unkind and rude!


        • #5
          I made sure I had extra in case some forgot. Could you have them sit and make homemade cards? That was rude to criticize the families who remembered, I feel bad for you and the families who did remember.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kendallina View Post
            Ugh...what a bummer! Any way the kiddos can make some quicky valentine's for eachother?? Maybe just cutting out some hearts and letting them draw or write names on them (not sure of your ages). Hopefully you can come up with something...
            Unfortunately no. They were all school agers so only a bit here in the morning and then after school is the party so it will be too late to make them.

            They are all mixed in times leaving too. Some are the earliest and some of the last.

            I mean come on, it's a dollar! One of the girls asked me if I could run to the store while they were at school and get some invitations for the ones that didn't do them ::


            • #7
              That sucks. In all honesty, rude child would spend his time reading books while the rest of them enjoyed the party.

              Here is what I did for the kids that didn't bring cards today. I cut up a bunch of red paper, drew a heart and wrote From: Child on the inside. That way they can participate despite the lazy parents who bred them and just maybe, the parents will looks through the bag and feel a tad bit embarrassed. Maybe. Probably not...


              • #8
                I'm not at all excusing the child's rude comment but he could have said what he did because he was embarrassed to have not brought anything, afraid he'd be left out because of it or maybe even felt he didn't deserve to be included because his parents didn't (or couldn't?) make sure he had cards for his daycare friends. Often a child deflects those feelings by being rude or miserable because it hurts less to offend others.

                That may not be the case for this kid but, you never know, maybe it is.
                Doing what I love and loving what I do.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lianne View Post
                  I'm not at all excusing the child's rude comment but he could have said what he did because he was embarrassed to have not brought anything, afraid he'd be left out because of it or maybe even felt he didn't deserve to be included because his parents didn't (or couldn't?) make sure he had cards for his daycare friends. Often a child deflects those feelings by being rude or miserable because it hurts less to offend others.

                  That may not be the case for this kid but, you never know, maybe it is.
                  Nah he just wanted the candy.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                    Nah he just wanted the candy.
                    ITA w/Nannyde!!!!::


                    • #11
                      That sucks; maybe next year you could have the kids make the Valentine's at your house the previous week or something? That would get around the problem of parents remembering.

                      I feel like the V-day mood was ruined around here too. I'm sick (like, really really sick, sickest I've been in over a year) and had to have DH stay home this morning to do daycare for me; he would have stayed home all day but we can't afford it. I skipped our planned special breakfast of heart-shaped pancakes with strawberry sauce and am skipping making and decorating sugar cookies for snack. I'm lucky that my group is too young to really notice or care, though. I did manage to cut sandwiches into hearts for lunch at least, and might manage heart-shaped pizza for dinner for DD.

                      Last night's date with DH for VDay turned out rather cruddily since I was sick (but not as sick as I am this morning...) and it was our first date since November 26th, two days before my mom got so sick.

                      I demand a do-over, ...when my immune system kicks this thing, anyway.
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        wow that stinks...
                        It seems that a lot of parents of children of these ages are just not used to having to participate in "school type" functions.

                        When I have any type of event, I hang reminders every where in my house, I send weekly email reminders and the night before I send a text message to everyone reminding them of our event.

                        We had our party on Friday and it was a hit. Only one kid came without, so we all pitched in and helped the child make some to give out. It was a really fun time...

                        maybe you could help make some if time allowed for it??


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daycare View Post
                          When I have any type of event, I hang reminders every where in my house, I send weekly email reminders and the night before I send a text message to everyone reminding them of our event.

                          maybe you could help make some if time allowed for it??
                          I have a board with reminder and then they get paper reminders and email reminders. It's not forgetting it's just lack of doing. IMO.

                          As far as time allowing, there were 7 children that needed to make Valentines for 12 children. That's 84. Nope , not enough time.


                          • #14
                            when i worked with a school age group in a center they never made valentines for each other and we didn't really expect them to. i think making valentines for school is enough for parents and the kids to do/plan for IMO. we still had a little "party" after school, but no cards. i prob. would've just had the party while the school agers were gone and then maybe had a "valentine snack" when they got back.

