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Valentines Gifts from DCP's

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  • Valentines Gifts from DCP's

    My first DCM came in at 8 and gave me 6 heart shape chocolate suckers and a very nice card. My second DCM came in and gave me a BIG box of chocolates and a very cute card!!

    Both parents brought stuff for our party, I am so blessed to have great, caring and thoughful parents!!

  • #2
    I have one daycare family, they all walked in the door this morning with nothing. Not even a little valentine card for my two kids. My kids and I spent a good portion of last night getting their valentines ready for them. But I'm not surprised... during Christmas, they kept "forgetting" to bring my present so it was about 2 weeks AFTER Christmas when they gave it to me and it wasn't wrapped... it was in the original bag from the store they bought it at. So thoughtful, right?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I have one daycare family, they all walked in the door this morning with nothing. Not even a little valentine card for my two kids. My kids and I spent a good portion of last night getting their valentines ready for them. But I'm not surprised... during Christmas, they kept "forgetting" to bring my present so it was about 2 weeks AFTER Christmas when they gave it to me and it wasn't wrapped... it was in the original bag from the store they bought it at. So thoughtful, right?
      I am sorry to hear that. I know not every parent is thoughful. I really do wish all parents would stop and consider how much a provider does for their children so giving the provider something (even little) really does show how much they care and makes the provider's heart warm. I don't expect things from my parents and would not be upset if I did not get anything. But it is NICE when they give you things on holidays.


      • #4
        That is so sweet. It is definately nice to have parents that like to show how much they appreicate what we do. I have 12 families. 11 of them remembered their valentines today. And of the 11 that brought valentines to share several also brought extra stuff for all of my teachers. We each got flowers, severeal boxes of chocolate, home made cookies, cards, and I even got a really pretty candle. It definately started my day with a smile.


        • #5
          I have never made a big deal about Valentine's Day, and I didn't expect the parents to do anything at all (IMHO, it's a couple's holiday anyway). BUT, dcd showed up with dcb, chatted for a few minutes while putting away his coat and boots, and then -- pulled out a double double! Made my day .

          Sure I make my own coffee every morning, but when a dc parent thinks to stop and pick one up for you on the way over, it's a VERY nice surprise .


          • #6
            I agree, it is so nice when parents show their appreciation for you. I have a small daycare and today I only have one child. The mom walked in with a cute little valentine's Day bag with a box of chocolates and a $10 Starbucks card... I was surprised! I also don't "expect" my parents to bring me gifts, but it sure is nice to know you're appreciated every once in a while... whether it be a gift, a card or just a note written on a post it. I always make sure we do some sort of craft for the kids to give to the parents for each holiday, I know my parents enjoy that.


            • #7
              I didn't expect anything for myself. I was happy parents contributed supplies for the kids to make valentine boxes and brought valentines. One mom brought a valentine snack which I thought was very thoughtful.


              • #8
                I was not expecting anything but DCM came in bearing a box from the BEST bakery in town with beautifully-decorated cut-out cookies for our family & the kids.


                • #9
                  We had our party for the kids Friday and I wasn't expecting anything from the parents today either.

                  One mom got me the coolest travel coffee mug from Starbucks with LOVE written all over it and a giftcard to there and another mom brought me the cutest box of individual wrapped cookies with a personalized note attached.

                  I love, love, love ALL my dc families!! I am very lucky!


                  • #10
                    Mine too. One of my daycare mom gave it to me with a big heart frame. It was so nice of them.


                    • #11
                      I bought stuffed animals for all my kiddos and baked them cookies. Of my 3 parents, two got me gifts. One got me a gift card to Quizznos and the other got me a Mickey and Minnie snow globe to go in my kitchen (it is done in Mickey Mouse).

                      I was surprised and thought it was very sweet.


                      • #12
                        lucky provider

                        Im super blessed with extrodinary parents, when they know we are having a holiday party they always ask if they can bring something, and they always bring in treat bags for every single kid in care. Idc if I get anything but they dont for get me or my asst provider either ) from starbucks to chocolates, even got a *hand and stone* massage gift cards for us both. I love my families!!!!!!

