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Not Looking Forward to This Coming Week

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  • Not Looking Forward to This Coming Week

    The fires here in Utah are heartbreaking. The Coal Hollow fire (500ft flames and exploding pine trees) is very close to us and out air is filled with smoke. 150 on the scale is considered unhealthy. We were at 257. We've been told to keep the kids indoors. In fact all the general public is being warned to keep outside time at a minimum.

    So not outside time for us! Lots of pent up energy and kids who are used to lots of outdoor play. Gonna be fun!

    We're going to do some exercise routines indoors, dancing etc....just to use up some energy.

    Praying for rain.......

    Update:...hubby says air is much better today! Hoping for fire containment soon.

  • #2
    Fires are everywhere this summer. Hope yours is contained soon!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Meeko View Post
      The fires here in Utah are heartbreaking. The Coal Hollow fire (500ft flames and exploding pine trees) is very close to us and out air is filled with smoke. 150 on the scale is considered unhealthy. We were at 257. We've been told to keep the kids indoors. In fact all the general public is being warned to keep outside time at a minimum.

      So not outside time for us! Lots of pent up energy and kids who are used to lots of outdoor play. Gonna be fun!

      We're going to do some exercise routines indoors, dancing etc....just to use up some energy.

      Praying for rain.......

      Update:...hubby says air is much better today! Hoping for fire containment soon.
      I feel for you & those in CA... I went thru this a few years ago with the fires in the Smokey Mtn's & Gatlinburg burning; weeks on end of having to keep my babies inside. I still have to watch the Ozone quality because of the Alpha 1 disease I have and known asthma in one child


      • #4
        I understand. We are close to the Holy Fire. The smoke is bad and the ash is worse.

        Between the heat and bad air, I've kept the kids indoors forever.


        • #5
          I feel for you!!!
          We had the Thomas Fire come through our and neighboring cities and burn through 280,000 acres and we couldn't even step outside. N-95 masks are the way to go if you do plan on going outside but good for you for the keeping the kids inside. Try kids yoga, the kids loved it here while we were cooped up at first (until we had to close). Hang in there!!


          • #6
            Y'all stay safe!


            • #7
              Praying for everyone to be safe! :hug:


              • #8
                Originally posted by DaveA View Post
                Y'all stay safe!

                I'm wondering how it can be safe to stay inside if it's that bad outside. Outside air does get in. AC might keep temps down, but not everyone has that, and even so, they bring in the ouside air as well. I know nobody has a high quality air filtration system in place, in case of times like this. There's no way houses can be sealed or you'll run out of oxygen, and if smoke outside is bad, that means there's not a lot of oxygen around.
                Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
                They are also our future.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mike View Post

                  I'm wondering how it can be safe to stay inside if it's that bad outside. Outside air does get in. AC might keep temps down, but not everyone has that, and even so, they bring in the ouside air as well. I know nobody has a high quality air filtration system in place, in case of times like this. There's no way houses can be sealed or you'll run out of oxygen, and if smoke outside is bad, that means there's not a lot of oxygen around.
                  Last year it was so bad here. All outdoor activities were cancelled-no sports, no practice, outdoor concerts, etc.

                  We couldn't go outside for weeks as we were surrounded by 2-3 of the biggest fires in the state and then had one 3 hours north that was huge.

                  Saturday the ash started falling on us here from the fires about an hour south of us-lovely.

                  Read in the paper yesterday they will be busing the high school marching band that is an hour south of here to our area to practice because they can't be outside to practice down there.

                  Getting worse every year here it seems.
                  Each day is a fresh start
                  Never look back on regrets
                  Live life to the fullest
                  We only get one shot at this!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                    Last year it was so bad here. All outdoor activities were cancelled-no sports, no practice, outdoor concerts, etc.

                    We couldn't go outside for weeks as we were surrounded by 2-3 of the biggest fires in the state and then had one 3 hours north that was huge.

                    Saturday the ash started falling on us here from the fires about an hour south of us-lovely.

                    Read in the paper yesterday they will be busing the high school marching band that is an hour south of here to our area to practice because they can't be outside to practice down there.

                    Getting worse every year here it seems.
                    I've noticed that. Talk about mankind doing things that destroy nature, but nature is doing a pretty good job. Some of the fires were started by careless humans, but many are just because of the climate changes. But then, are the climate changes because of what man has been doing?

                    Pretty much everyone, religious or not, believes the world will come to an end some day. It's sure headed in that direction.
                    Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
                    They are also our future.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mike View Post
                      I've noticed that. Talk about mankind doing things that destroy nature, but nature is doing a pretty good job. Some of the fires were started by careless humans, but many are just because of the climate changes. But then, are the climate changes because of what man has been doing?

                      Pretty much everyone, religious or not, believes the world will come to an end some day. It's sure headed in that direction.
                      A lot has to do with the logging in our area from my understanding and if I could learn about it on layman terms and not political, I would understand it though.

                      Several of the fires have been started from from people/cars/farm equipment. Last years Columbia Gorge fire was started when a 15 year old threw a firecracker into dry grass. This year a combine caught grass on fire and thousands of acres burned. A few have been started from lightening though.

                      I always wonder about the fires though like in the 1800's and earlier-how did they go out or what was it like? I have always been curious on that!
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #12
                        The subzero temps for a few months here seem ALOT more appealing than yearly wild fires🔥🔥🔥

                        Hoping everyone stays safe and out of harms way :hug:


                        • #13
                          I am near the Holy Fire. I have clients and friends that were evacuated, and the next community over is on voluntary evacuations. I closed Friday and stayed at a hotel Friday night. School was supposed to start yesterday, but got postponed till the 20th. I have been stuck inside with the kids for almost two weeks! Between the heat wave we’v had and then the fire. It has been tough. Our yards are black with ashes, and we have been notified that the ashes are toxic. So we have to be careful cleaning it up. Thankfully no homes in the evacuated areas were burned and the fire is now at 52% contained. The Figjters and first responders have done an excellent job in keeping our communities safe. I pray they get home safely to their families .


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by proudmommyofthree View Post
                            I am near the Holy Fire. I have clients and friends that were evacuated, and the next community over is on voluntary evacuations. I closed Friday and stayed at a hotel Friday night. School was supposed to start yesterday, but got postponed till the 20th. I have been stuck inside with the kids for almost two weeks! Between the heat wave we’v had and then the fire. It has been tough. Our yards are black with ashes, and we have been notified that the ashes are toxic. So we have to be careful cleaning it up. Thankfully no homes in the evacuated areas were burned and the fire is now at 52% contained. The Figjters and first responders have done an excellent job in keeping our communities safe. I pray they get home safely to their families .
                            Thoughts and prayers.

                            You're a lot closer than we are. Everything was covered in black ash here. It looked like mud when I hosed everything down last Friday.

                            Today is the first day I've had our AC off since mid June.

