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Potty Training and Swim Diapers

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  • Potty Training and Swim Diapers

    I have a DCG who DCM is determined to potty train. Mom has been putting her in pull ups and she’s only went home completely dry once ever and that was with staff sending her frequently throughout the day. I don’t feel that, that’s a good way to potty train and have told mom we will absolutely not send her potty ever 30 minutes like clock work, as she has requested. DCG is 17 months and can stay dry for a couple of hours but is not able to pull her clothes up and down, doesn’t initiate that she has to go and has only initiated on a few occasions that she needs a diaper change (when she has pooped), but is not consistent with it. If you as her if she’s wet or has pooped, she just say potty over and over and her mom feels like that’s her way of saying she needs to go right then. Mom came in about 2 weeks ago saying she would be bringing DCG in with panties on because she’s done great at home. I let her know she can put her in panties but must put a diaper of pull up over it to ensure that my environment remains dry and sanitary for everyone. She said okay and sent her in panties with one extra set. She wet both sets within 45 minutes. She hasn’t sent panties again, but claims she’s doing well at home and hasn’t started telling her she’s got to go but is sure she will soon. Today she arrived in a swim diaper and I’m livid. I sent her potty as soon as she got here just to make sure she was in a diaper or pull up only to find out she was in a swim diaper. DCD was still here so I informed him that a swim diaper is not a pull up and she needs to come in a pull up or a diaper. He responded oh okay, her mom ran out and that’s all she had to put on her but she told me to let you know and I forgot. I need a letter that clearly states what’s acceptable for potty training including the signs, supplies, and proper clothing. Also I’m interested in if anyone else has experienced anything like this and how did you respond. I want to put in the letter that if a child comes like that they will be sent home, but is that fair?

  • #2
    Does she have diapers at your house?

    If so, I would not care how she arrives. I'd simply change her into a diaper and stop discussing it with the parents. Two weeks dry, with full verbal communication from the child, before panties. Period. Two weeks consecutive. Child verbalises need to go, child dresses/undresses.

    If they refuse to provide diapers, term.

    It can become a battle of will with parents if you allow it.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      When I have this problem I print off Nannyde’s article on potty training readiness and give it to the parents. It is very helpful.


      • #4
        I provide diapers for all children under 3. I don’t mind changing her at all, my issue is that sometimes when she first arrives I’m not able to change her immediately, due to feeding an infant or in the middle of an activity with the other children and I don’t want her to wet before I’m able to changer her. I will have to pull Nannyde’s article.

