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Coffee for a 2 Year Old Anyone?

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  • Coffee for a 2 Year Old Anyone?

    I had a 2 yo dck come this morning who smelled weird... Like coffee with a lot of creamer and had a nice-sized stain down the front of his shirt. So I said "you smell like coffee" to which he replies "COFFEE GOOOOOD!" I hope it was decaf!

  • #2
    Coffee contains nothing worse than soda and/or energy drinks and those both seem fairly common in a child’s diet now days.

    My sister hits the Starbucks drive through every single morning. She’s always gotten her DS a coffee with extra cream or a hot chocolate.

    Caffeine or sugar... neither are probably a very healthy choice.

    I agree that it doesn’t seem appropriate for a two year old but sadly I think it’s common. Hoping your DCK benefits from the caffeine by being extra focused today.... ! ::


    • #3
      My son went through a period where he LOVED the idea of coffee.

      He was maybe 18 months - 2 years. He would always "make" coffee in the kitchen at school and drink it and share it with his friends. The teachers thought it was hilarious.

      He's had sips of my coffee before I thought he would hate it but he didn't...


      • #4
        Originally posted by happymom View Post
        My son went through a period where he LOVED the idea of coffee.

        He was maybe 18 months - 2 years. He would always "make" coffee in the kitchen at school and drink it and share it with his friends. The teachers thought it was hilarious.

        He's had sips of my coffee before I thought he would hate it but he didn't...
        My grandparents always made us "children's coffee" when we were little and only when we were attending social events like weddings; 9/10 milk with just a smidge or so of coffee . Now my oldest daughter buys Starbucks drinks for all 4 grands (youngest is just going on 5) and she has for years... and she wants to know why they bounce off the wall sometimes


        • #5
          My 5 year old loves coffee, or what we make him that we call coffee. A glass of warm milk with a splash of coffee for colouring. It's a favorite treat. But my 2 year old will sometimes try to steal a drink from my cup and get it o himself.


          • #6
            Every night when my brother got home from work his little boy would meet him at the truck and sit in the cab and drink whatever coffee was left in his dads thermos. Every night for YEARS he would do it. He is now 18 He still lives coffee and those nightly cups shared with his dad hold many a precious memory.


            • #7
              Lol. I remember my granny soaking saltines in coffee for me. I recently recalled this to my mom, and she never knew.

              Coffee is also one of the low tech Mom “tests” for adhd. If the child majorly calms down after a big ol’ cup of fullly caffeinated coffe(or mt dew), it’s a good possibility. Fool-proof, of course not! But if a kid calms down with a stimulant, chances are pretty good adhd meds are going to help out.


              • #8
                I think kids drinking caffeine and/or sugary drinks is far more common than when I was a kid. I hated coffee when I was young—only started drinking it when I was in college and needed it to stay awake and study— and was only allowed pop once or maybe twice a week.

                The worst think I ever saw in regard to this was someone buying a Red Bull for a child at a Barnes and Noble one day. I doubt he was even 10 years old. I don’t really care if people let a child drink a Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Coke, or even a Starbucks Frappuccino but a Red Bull. :confused: No wonder your child is bouncing off the walls.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Solandia View Post
                  Lol. I remember my granny soaking saltines in coffee for me. I recently recalled this to my mom, and she never knew.

                  Coffee is also one of the low tech Mom “tests” for adhd. If the child majorly calms down after a big ol’ cup of fullly caffeinated coffe(or mt dew), it’s a good possibility. Fool-proof, of course not! But if a kid calms down with a stimulant, chances are pretty good adhd meds are going to help out.
                  That is how I self medicated for years as a kid. I remember drinking an average of 4 cups a day (or eating it straight from the instant coffee jar) all through elementary and junior high (latchkey). I started drinking it daily, medicinally, in third grade when I made the connection, myself.

                  No one believed me so I hid it in my bookbag. :: Interestingly I was never tempted to try drugs or alcohol because I already had my "fix". My grades went up and making friends became easier. I did not get a formal diagnosis until college.

                  Mountain Dew or coffee still allows me to relax, read a book and settle in for the night. I am down to two cups a day, now, though.
                  - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Solandia View Post
                    Lol. I remember my granny soaking saltines in coffee for me. I recently recalled this to my mom, and she never knew.

                    Coffee is also one of the low tech Mom “tests” for adhd. If the child majorly calms down after a big ol’ cup of fullly caffeinated coffe(or mt dew), it’s a good possibility. Fool-proof, of course not! But if a kid calms down with a stimulant, chances are pretty good adhd meds are going to help out.
                    Yes, it works great, too!!! My own ADHD kid was given soda by teachers mid day to restart him (after his morning caffeine dose, we used gum, not coffee though).

                    DD has always loved coffee, as PP's have said- 90% milk and some cream. Made her feel like a big girl at the grandparents. She's an adult and to this day still has fond memories of having 'coffee with grandma'.

                    My biggest concern is more the sugar content of some coffees vs the caffeine. I drink mine black and by the pot- so my kids have never wanted sips. Dh is a BIG tea drinker, and the kids all love tea, many of which contain caffeine.


                    • #11
                      Wow who knew! I avoid all caffeinated drinks for my kids personally but agree it is no worse than some soft drinks. I do not think 35mg of caffeine is healthy for a child though.


                      • #12
                        My 8 year old's latest thing every Sunday after church is grabbing coffee like the adults. His is decaf with lots of cream but he sure enjoys it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                          That is how I self medicated for years as a kid. I remember drinking an average of 4 cups a day (or eating it straight from the instant coffee jar) all through elementary and junior high (latchkey). I started drinking it daily, medicinally, in third grade when I made the connection, myself.

                          No one believed me so I hid it in my bookbag. :: Interestingly I was never tempted to try drugs or alcohol because I already had my "fix". My grades went up and making friends became easier. I did not get a formal diagnosis until college.

                          Mountain Dew or coffee still allows me to relax, read a book and settle in for the night. I am down to two cups a day, now, though.
                          A family at church has a child with ADHD and the school has been trying to get the family to medicate him which they didn't want to do. The pediatrician told them to give him a cup of coffee each morning and for many years it has worked for him.


                          • #14
                            My youngest was a terrible sleeper. Pediatrician recommended warm coffee/ milk at bedtime to help her relax. It worked great for her. She drank coffee at night from 2 1/2 - 3, or so.

                            Caffeine amps her son (10) up something fierce.

                            Me, I HATE the smell of coffee.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Solandia View Post
                              Coffee is also one of the low tech Mom “tests” for adhd. If the child majorly calms down after a big ol’ cup of fullly caffeinated coffe(or mt dew), it’s a good possibility. Fool-proof, of course not! But if a kid calms down with a stimulant, chances are pretty good adhd meds are going to help out.
                              ITA with Blackcat, and IMO coffee tastes better.

                              DH's friend's mom told me that she'd give her other DS strong coffee when he didn't have his ADD meds.

