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First Kid

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  • First Kid

    So today is my official first day of daycare. I only have on child so far and I’m finding it a bit....awkward? I want to follow my schedule, but because it’s just her and my other two children (my kids), it feels weird doing our schedule. I have pretty much been letting them play all day, but feel guilty that I’m not doing everything I would if I had a full group.

    What do you all do when you only have one kid? Is your schedule more relaxed?

  • #2
    Some days I'm more relaxed even if everyone is here. Today, for example I had 4 plus my 2 and we still did activities but I called it child's choice day- so we made volcanoes and acted out Mouse Count book. And lots of outside time of course.

    I would probably still do 1-2 activities a day just because it makes the day move along and will also give your dck a chance to see all the fun that will be happening at your place. I would also use this time to teach her about your procedures (i.e. clean up, where lunch stuff goes, etc). And this time will be good to get to know her and her interests, etc. But I wouldn't necessarily do my full routine.


    • #3
      I would still follow a schedule. 3 kids is SO SLOW that I won't even open for less than 3.

      I would still do meals, circle time, recess, indoor centers, and free play time even with a handful of kids. Schedule is so important for the flow of the day.


      • #4
        I usually keep to my schedule. Good practice for busier days.


        • #5
          I ended up having only my own two and two younger dcbs today so we kept to our main routine (same mealtimes, preschool time, naptime) but everything was a little more casual than usual and we did some things that are harder to do with a bigger group (got out some toys that get fought over if more kids are here, went for a walk to the park, kids helped me make a treat.)


          • #6
            When I opened my daycare I had one kid (18mo) during the first two weeks. We followed the schedule.

            If I am too tired I can skip all learning activities. Even if I have all the kids present. I don't feel guilty if I do it.


            • #7
              Congratulations on getting your first dck!!! With three kids even if two are your own it will help to have a solid routine and it will help your own children adapt to the new routine....

              Some days regardless of how many dcks are here I will throw out the schedule and have a more relaxed day.


              • #8
                During the summer things are more relaxed but I'd still stick to a routine with three kids. Now if I only had one I'd probably let the schedule go.

                I need to plan activities and follow a routine or I go crazy with boredom.

