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More Than One Daycare?

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  • More Than One Daycare?

    Hi everyone, I have a question, is there anyway to open more than one Home daycare anymore? Im currently in NY and I know they have changed the regulations around in the last few years where people can no longer operate multiple sites unless they were grandfathered in. however, what if you use a corporation? does anyone know of anyone who has done this or if there are exceptions?

  • #2
    NY here- no exceptions. Only those grandfathered in. The 'onsite provider' can only be the provider in 1 location, period.

    It's also damn near impossible to open a small center. They're stingy with those licenses. I'm trying to negotiate (and have my attorney on it) opening a small center on my property. I have plenty of room- but operating out of my home requires a center license (even though I operate in my home as a GFDC now, with NO shared DC and family space)

