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How Often Do You Purchase/Introduce New Toys?

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  • How Often Do You Purchase/Introduce New Toys?

    How often do you all purchase/introduce new (or new to them) toys? Do you rotate toys on a regular basis?

    In short, I'm asking because I'm re-organizing my limited storage space and sort of making the decision that I've acquired nearly all of the learning and play basics that are out there (although I still have my eye on those magnetic blocks). I don't currently rotate or introduce new toys at this stage, and everything we have (which, in my opinion, really is a lot), is on display and easily accessible to kiddos many times throughout the day.

    Should I be re-thinking this? We do use these materials in new ways all of the time, but I'm not introducing new items. I tend to stay away from the popular fad items and only have toys that I consider staples that encourage open-ended play. I'm wondering if kids will eventually get bored.

  • #2
    Originally posted by LittleScholars View Post
    How often do you all purchase/introduce new (or new to them) toys? Do you rotate toys on a regular basis?

    In short, I'm asking because I'm re-organizing my limited storage space and sort of making the decision that I've acquired nearly all of the learning and play basics that are out there (although I still have my eye on those magnetic blocks). I don't currently rotate or introduce new toys at this stage, and everything we have (which, in my opinion, really is a lot), is on display and easily accessible to kiddos many times throughout the day.

    Should I be re-thinking this? We do use these materials in new ways all of the time, but I'm not introducing new items. I tend to stay away from the popular fad items and only have toys that I consider staples that encourage open-ended play. I'm wondering if kids will eventually get bored.
    At least monthly or before if the interest isn't there for the kids!


    • #3
      I have a monthly STEM subscription and 12 themed toy boxes. I switch the themed toys and the displays every two weeks


      • #4
        I change out toys either every week or every second week. Outside I only change with the seasons.

        When I first started I spent a ton of money buying toys but have no purchased a new toy in over a year now. I find most of the kids that play enjoy the toys I have and the othefs wouldn’t be able tomplay with anything I bought anyway!


        • #5
          Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
          I have a monthly STEM subscription and 12 themed toy boxes. I switch the themed toys and the displays every two weeks
          Who is your subscription through?

          love this idea!

          i tend to get a bit toy crazy myself
          I started with what i thought would be enough for all age groups for play and rotations, and over the years have become somewhat of a toy hoarder


          • #6
            I change out something every weekend. It may be 1-2 containers, it may be 1/2 the room. Just depends on my mood, what I want to do next week, and if I think DCKs are getting bored with something.

            As for buying new stuff- it just depends. I seem to not by anything for a bit then get a bunch of new stuff over a few weeks. Of course it is garage sale season so I'm finding stuff that way right now.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BrynleeJean View Post
              Who is your subscription through?

              love this idea!

              i tend to get a bit toy crazy myself
              I started with what i thought would be enough for all age groups for play and rotations, and over the years have become somewhat of a toy hoarder

              Amazon STEM club. $19.99 per month for usually a $30 kit


              • #8
                Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
                I have a monthly STEM subscription and 12 themed toy boxes. I switch the themed toys and the displays every two weeks
                This is a nice approach! I would just need a non-plastic sort of subscription though....

                I have been building a Waldorf style play area and leave all items out other than art supplies which rotate. As I get more items I think I would rotate which is what I did with my own dd or I would just have a less is more approach and keep it that way.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CityGarden View Post
                  This is a nice approach! I would just need a non-plastic sort of subscription though....

                  I have been building a Waldorf style play area and leave all items out other than art supplies which rotate. As I get more items I think I would rotate which is what I did with my own dd or I would just have a less is more approach and keep it that way.
                  You could look into kiwi co. They send monthly crates and tend to be non-plastic. They activity based though and not less open ended then what it looks like the Amazon subscription is.


                  • #10
                    I do take toys out of circulation from time to time. Either they haven't been played with in a long time or I get sick of the dcks not picking them up/fighting over them.

                    I always find lots of unique things over the summer at yard sales and add those immediately. If they're a hit, they stay. If not, they get donated in the fall. I have a lot of basic stuff but for some reason, the kiddos don't use their imagination to expand their selection of toys to play with. I have a nice set of wooden blocks, with different sets of accessories but they'll always choose the plastic dollhouse and Little People. I have a mirror in my play kitchen area and instead of playing with the actual kitchen area, my twins will sit there as long as I let them, to make faces and gawk at themselves.
                    I know as soon as the twins leave in a few more weeks, I'm switching my playroom around for the summer.


                    • #11
                      Thank you for all of the helpful replies!


                      • #12
                        I have some toys while they are available at all times the kids have to trade. One bucket of small toys at a time. As well they have a few buckets of track, mega blocks, and music stuff that they have to ask for first. I do have a couple large trucks and a tranphormer castle that I do rotate.

                        I get new toys in from Christmas to valentines day my kids birthday). I take toys that go with other things we have and they go down stairs to the daycare. Or when the kids out grow a toy. As well my boys will bring something down and share it for the day or week so the kids see new toys then. At this point I have a great collection of toys, so I don't need much added in. Thou I do still pick up something here and there if I see something for the right price and it would work well.

