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  • Paper

    I got a group of boys going through "drawing ninjas" phase. That's the only thing they want to do. The problem is, they can easily go through 40 sheets of paper in a sitting. I have paper in trays on each table. When they use all the paper at their table, they just take from the other tables.

    The school provides paper of course but not enough to keep up with these guys. Would it be mean to give them a limit in the morning? Or give them a small stack of paper that has to last them through the day?


  • #2
    Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
    I got a group of boys going through "drawing ninjas" phase. That's the only thing they want to do. The problem is, they can easily go through 40 sheets of paper in a sitting. I have paper in trays on each table. When they use all the paper at their table, they just take from the other tables.

    The school provides paper of course but not enough to keep up with these guys. Would it be mean to give them a limit in the morning? Or give them a small stack of paper that has to last them through the day?

    I've always limited the kids to 3 pieces of paper per day.

    I do have a scrap bin where I drop paper of all sizes that could still be used that all the kids are free to take from but plain, white paper is limited to 3 sheet per child per day.

    Simply because I can't afford to keep up with those that draw like crazy, those don't understand hot to fully use a piece of paper and those that just seem to waste more than use.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
      I got a group of boys going through "drawing ninjas" phase. That's the only thing they want to do. The problem is, they can easily go through 40 sheets of paper in a sitting. I have paper in trays on each table. When they use all the paper at their table, they just take from the other tables.

      The school provides paper of course but not enough to keep up with these guys. Would it be mean to give them a limit in the morning? Or give them a small stack of paper that has to last them through the day?

      Not at all!

      I think learning to limit yourself with drawing paper is the same as limiting yourself with anything else. We wouldn't let kids use an entire roll of toilet paper, or an entire bottle of glue in one sitting. Don't feel bad lovethis


      • #4
        Dry erase crayons and reusable dry erase pockets after they use their daily allotment?
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          My daughter loves to draw and would go through so much paper, especially since her drawings were very small characters. So now we keep a scissors handy and cut out any extra paper on things like their worksheets from school, junk mail, ect. Usually, their school work has a lot fo wasted space ont he paper and junk mail is full of blank space, so if you cut them out and put them in a bin for scrap paper, it can save on using whole sheets. My son gets tons of school papers and I throw them, so if I cut off the extra blank space, then I feel less guilty about the waste!


          • #6
            I make my dcks use both sides and if they haven't drawn a lot on their paper, I hand it back and say 'fill it up'.
            I don't limit the amount of paper but I do redirect them into doing something else if I see kids are getting a bit nuts about it. Some weeks they don't want to draw at all, then the next week they're drawing all day every day.


            • #7
              Not mean at all.
              I've made up such rules as, make sure you don't leave any white left on the paper unless its white meant for your picture.
              Or just one pice a day do with it what you will, get it out of your cubby and use it more later if you want to color again later. 40 is a lot.. those go straight in the trash at home or even at the daycare.
              I say your the teacher you make the rules.


              • #8
                40 is a lot! I don't limit paper but I often cut it smaller ( would cutting into thirds help?) and I always have them use both sides.

                Chalkboards, dry erase boards are good too.

                Another thought is to encourage them to draw more detail. Then have them write the name of their ninja, draw a scene that theyre in, etc. I always have my older kids go back and do more detail and writing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                  Dry erase crayons and reusable dry erase pockets after they use their daily allotment?

                  That is the best idea ever!!!! I'm implementing that ASAP.


                  • #10
                    I have dry erase boards and markers, chalkboards and chalk, magic slates...they only want to sit and draw these Ninjago characters over and over again with markers, and cut them out. I cut the sheets in half, they just use twice as many . Its out of hand.

                    I think I'm going to impose a limit of five half-sheets per person. Thanks ladies.


                    • #11
                      I worked at a Montessori preschool that only allowed 1/2 sheet of copy paper per day 😲 I didn't stay long. That place was wacky. I'd limit them to 10 sheets myself. That should be enough or maybe 15 do they use both sides.?


                      • #12
                        try the local newspaper for "butts". These are the ends of the rolls that are still usable but too small to print on. Some will donate, some charge a small amount. I limit mine to 3 sheets a day, after that, they get the white boards, chalk boards or other reusable drawing items. I do offer to take a picture of there reusable creations if they want. We use the HI mama app so i can attach them to there daily sheets (or email them to mom)


                        • #13
                          Another option would be magna doodles. I bought a few mini ones cheap that the dc kids love to draw with. The best thing is there is no mess to deal with.

