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I Seriously Hate Interviewing...

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  • I Seriously Hate Interviewing...

    I hate it....*hate* might not even be a strong enough word

    either they don't show up, or the do show up and they sit in my house and annoy me for an hour, then take 2 weeks to make a decision when I first started I got great parents back to back so i guess i got spoiled on thinking that was the rule, NOT the, 1 out of every 5 interviews are good.

    The last one who dragged *forever* on letting me know her choice, the one who wanted 10 references background checks, who had a phone interview, 2 in person interviews, 20+ emails back and forth, endless texts and so on...I filled the spot she interviewed for (I had 2 openings so I guess it wasn't HER spot that was filled, but A spot...anyhoo) I know she didn't believe me and today she calls and is like "i just wanted to apologize for taking so long to get back in touch with you, we were really trying to figure out how to make it work because we would like ***x to come to you, but there is now way I could get to work on time, you live really far out of the way for us"

    So I said "that's fine, like i said the position is filled, but out of curiosity, didn't you realize how out of the way it would be after the first time you came to interview?"

    and she said "yes, I knew right away that it wouldn't work out because of the distance, but you were the most qualified so i wanted to do several other interviews before i told you it wouldn't work out"

    well gee thanks for letting me be the LAST to know that it wouldn't work out, and thanks for wasting my time, my resources, my paperwork, my text messages, my friends time for having you call and email them for references (a few more than once!)

    it's just really annoying...some people should just not breed.

  • #2
    um...ignore my angry typos and mis-spelling
    Last edited by cillybean83; 02-10-2011, 12:48 PM. Reason: i mis-spelled again lol


    • #3
      Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
      I hate it....*hate* might not even be a strong enough word

      either they don't show up, or the do show up and they sit in my house and annoy me for an hour, then take 2 weeks to make a decision when I first started I got great parents back to back so i guess i got spoiled on thinking that was the rule, NOT the, 1 out of every 5 interviews are good.

      The last one who dragged *forever* on letting me know her choice, the one who wanted 10 references background checks, who had a phone interview, 2 in person interviews, 20+ emails back and forth, endless texts and so on...I filled the spot she interviewed for (I had 2 openings so I guess it wasn't HER spot that was filled, but A spot...anyhoo) I know she didn't believe me and today she calls and is like "i just wanted to apologize for taking so long to get back in touch with you, we were really trying to figure out how to make it work because we would like ***x to come to you, but there is now way I could get to work on time, you live really far out of the way for us"

      So I said "that's fine, like i said the position is filled, but out of curiosity, didn't you realize how out of the way it would be after the first time you came to interview?"

      and she said "yes, I knew right away that it wouldn't work out because of the distance, but you were the most qualified so i wanted to do several other interviews before i told you it wouldn't work out"

      well gee thanks for letting me be the LAST to know that it wouldn't work out, and thanks for wasting my time, my resources, my paperwork, my text messages, my friends time for having you call and email them for references (a few more than once!)

      it's just really annoying...some people should just not breed.
      You never know what the future holds she may refer you to someone who you are not too far away for.


      • #4
        Ughhh. . . I can understand your frustration. That potential client really occupied a lot of your time. Sounds like she would have been high maintenance!


        • #5
          That requires a lot of patience. If I didn't NEED it, I would have just emailed or called and let her know the position was filled because you're program is very popular because I don't really want to go through all you did. It gives you good practice though and at least you have avoided future issues.

          I hope it gets better. Do you ever ask why 4/5 parents don't decide to stay with you after interviews? That seems depressing. I would ask parents what it was about my program that made their final decision so I could improve my program....even if all the answers were location or rate, it's nice to know. Right? Keep your head up and you'll be okay.


          • #6
            4 out of 5 don't even show up, which is why only 1 out of 5 are good ! I just keep getting parents who want to pay ridiculous prices like $10 a day, or they want to pay in food stamps, or they want me to watch their 2nd child for free, or they only want to pay for days they actually attend, isn't the program they don't like, most people want to come here, they just want to come for free, or nearly free, or have ridiculous expectations (like I should be available at 5am and keep junior til 10pm)

            I'm going through a good parent famine!
            Last edited by cillybean83; 02-11-2011, 08:27 AM. Reason: i forgot to write something :P


            • #7
              I hear ya! I have had maybe 3 intereviews in past two months and non of them panned out. Then I got a call for an infant spot for may. I hate returning those calls b/c I never hear back from them again. I really need to screen better over the phone so they dont waste my time. Its very frustrating esp now with the economy the way it is to.


              • #8
                Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                4 out of 5 don't even show up, which is why only 1 out of 5 are good ! I just keep getting parents who want to pay ridiculous prices like $10 a day, or they want to pay in food stamps, or they want me to watch their 2nd child for free, or they only want to pay for days they actually attend, isn't the program they don't like, most people want to come here, they just want to come for free, or nearly free, or have ridiculous expectations (like I should be available at 5am and keep junior til 10pm)

                I'm going through a good parent famine!
                cillybean, someone on here had a post that went something like this, Whe they get a call they talk to the mom and then set up the appointment and then they tell the mom SHE MUST call the day of the appointment and if thet don't then provider will consider the appointment canceled.

                I got a call from my CL ad on Tuesday and the mom had a 13mts boy and a 3 yr girl, we spoke for about 15 minutes and she had allready been on my website. I gave her a Thursday appt at 5pm and told her that she was to call me at 2pm to confirm the appointment and if she did not then I would consider the appt. canceled. Then I forgot all about it , she called me yesterday at 2 and said she would be here at 5.

                The interview was great and lasted about 45 minutes. They made their children mind while here, They are a good fit!! The mom is in nursing school and I think money is a little tight for them, but I told them my openings were OPEN till payment is made. Both mom & dad wants to enroll, but I told them to think about it and call me.

                The hours are great!! So all they have to do is bring the money!! But I will not think about it anymore and my openings are still available

