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How Windy Is Too Windy To Play Outside?

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  • How Windy Is Too Windy To Play Outside?

    I checked the weather chart, but it doesn't have the info I need. I am trying to make a judgement call based on wind speed and fact that the pollen level has hit what is considered extremely high range.

    All of my kiddos have seasonal allergies. We have been outside an average of 4 hours a day M-Th. They then spend upwards of 2 hours outside at their homes at night too. Today we are a snotty, runny eyed mess all around. This afternoon it is 64°, up from the 36° this morning, but it is WINDY!! My weather app is saying they are 18 MPH winds with gusts up to 30MPH.

    I am not trying to be lazy and look for a way out of taking them out to play, as I would spend every waking minute outside if it was possible. The kiddos love it, and I do too. But I am wondering if I should take my already runny, drippy group out to play with winds and pollen levels as high as they are.

  • #2
    just me personally. i would. depending on your area and if you think y'all can brave the temp of course.
    better snots outside then in your house and I've always though that when the pollen is just sitting in my house i tend to get worse when i just sit with it.. so might as well be outside where the air is circulating.
    its friday anyways


    • #3
      If a kid starts floating away... it's probably too windy :: haha!

      We dont get winds like that here - but I would think if its making their noses run and things are falling over, then its too windy


      • #4
        We're surrounded by trees and branches come down in strong winds, so I'm pretty conservative about wind. It usually isn't windy here, though--just when storms are rolling in, which is all the time in the summer.


        • #5
          I'd take them out but watch for discomfort. For myself, I'd have to wear an earflap hat because strong wind gives me an earache.


          • #6
            If I have an infant that is getting their breath taken away by the wind it is too windy! Also objects flying around. Luckily I am a corner lot and I can get the kids to play in the sheilded area by the side of my house but this doesn’t always work.

            My backyard is a wind zone so this is sometimes why we cannot go out to play. My BBQ has flown off my deck more times than we can count.

            I just trust my judgment on it


            • #7
              We ended up going out for 45 minutes Friday afternoon. Today is the same way, high of 75° but the winds are crazy. Pollen level is even higher than it was on Friday, we are in a fire danger warning because of the extremely dry conditions and high winds.

              This wind is killing my asthma, but these kids NEED to be outside this morning. It has been constant bickering over toys and space. So, we are out once again and will stay out as long as possible, and will do it again this afternoon. Tuesday-Thursday is supposed to bring rain and thunderstorms, and I am hoping with that comes less wind. I really enjoy breathing without struggling, and spending time outside in enjoyable weather.

