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Nicknames Picked Up In Your Day Care

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  • Nicknames Picked Up In Your Day Care

    My kid got the nickname "Sofa" from another toddler in her day care. Now I've got a kid whose nickname is the impressive "Nua Buddabud Pickapeel," which is what came out when a kid tried to shout "No! Buddy's eating his banana without taking the peel off!" We were all so tickled that it stuck.

    I have the problem that my actual nickname, when said by a child whose consonants are iffy, comes out "Weewee."

  • #2
    That's so funny! The kiddos here give each other nicknames all the time too. I have a zo-zo, Kay-kay (also referred to as Kay-cakes :, Liamster (or lee-lee). They come up with the funniest stuff sometimes


    • #3
      I had one years ago that we called Foofy, short for Little Bunny Foofoo.


      • #4
        Burny boo (journey)
        Ke-ke (kegan)
        GG (child with the same name as another and a last name starting with g)
        Im cowboy jenny this week (studying wild west and I made the mistake of wearing a cowboy hat)
        and NobOOOOga (our little nose picker)


        • #5
          Tate (tater, tatums, tater tot)
          Kara (care bear)
          Sofia (sofie sofe)


          • #6
            Mostly just shortened version of their names. Since day one I’ve had two little girls with the same name. In the beginning they were “big *childs name*” and “baby *childs name*”. They are still mostly referred to as big and little but the older one calls the younger one just “baby”.


            • #7
              Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
              and NobOOOOga (our little nose picker)


              • #8
                Originally posted by storybookending View Post
                Mostly just shortened version of their names. Since day one I’ve had two little girls with the same name. In the beginning they were “big *childs name*” and “baby *childs name*”. They are still mostly referred to as big and little but the older one calls the younger one just “baby”.
                My church had Big Luis and Little Luis (dad and son). Then Little Luis hit puberty and. . . never mind. He was still called Little Luis when he towered over his dad.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pestle View Post
                  My church had Big Luis and Little Luis (dad and son). Then Little Luis hit puberty and. . . never mind. He was still called Little Luis when he towered over his dad.
                  I grew up in a daycare and spent many years after I was no longer of age just going to spend time with the kids in the summers. They had two girls named Macy/Macie. They were called big macie and little Macy throughout. I witnessed both of them at one point scream out “MY NAME IS NOT BIG MACIE” (her mom was what I would call a problem parent and got it in her head) and once the little one was 3-4 scream out “IM NOT A BABY”. They are in 8th grade and 11th grade now. I saw “baby Macy” a few months ago (small town). I called her baby Macy and she smiled.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CeridwenLynne View Post
                    Tate (tater, tatums, tater tot)
                    Kara (care bear)
                    Sofia (sofie sofe)
                    My son is tater tot! Lol! I can’t blame the kids for that one, though. I gave it to him haha!


                    • #11
                      I have one named... let's say Mike. He has grown up here with a little girl who has called him Mikey since they started talking. He is big for his age and will probably grow up to be a big ole tough football player. They head off to school this fall, and we are all slightly relieved they are in different school districts. I'm sure he would hate being called Mikey for the rest of his life. It is a small town, he would never escape it. 😄


                      • #12
                        I've had lots over the years, a few that come to mind:

                        Happy Abby, or depending on the day, Crabby Abby ::
                        Baby bear


                        • #13
                          We've had a couple from one kid to another, but the funniest ones are what me and our other teacher get called.

                          Me (Miss Irene)
                          Missy Reentttttttt
                          Mess Bibeen
                          Miss Ireem (or just Reem)
                          and the latest...
                          Messy bean...

                          Miss Jennifer
                          Miss Jlsithelkmsth (ok not exactly, but he couldn't say her name... ever... or even close )
                          Miss Jenniher
                          or my favorite..


                          • #14
                            Oh a teacher one: teachers name is erica
                            and my favorite


                            • #15
                              not exactly daycare related.
                              I was a nanny in a family whose younger daughter's name is Sachi. I called her "sachok" which means "butterfly net" in my language. the whole family got a kick out of this and started calling her "sachok" as well. when she was 5-6, she occasionally pretended to be offended by being called a butterfly net, mostly for the drama effect.
                              when she got her first e-mail address, she made it sachok@whatever. I guess, it did end up sticking.

