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What Age?

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  • What Age?

    What age is appropriate to teach children their address and phone number? also do you teach them to your daycare kids or do you feel that is a parental responsibility.

    Anything your daycare parents wanted you to teach their child that you though was the parents job? how do you address it with the parents?

  • #2
    I don't teach phone numbers and addresses. Honestly, it never occurred to me to do that for my 5 and under crowd. (Honestly, several of them have a hard time remembering 911 for our emergency drills!) Never had a parent request it either.

    If they did ask, my answer would be something along the lines of "What a great idea for you two to work on together. Let me know how it goes!"


    • #3
      Yeah- I'd shift that one onto parents rather than at daycare. I'd be too worried they'd learn someone else's address/ number.


      • #4
        We start with their mom, dad, and last name by 2.5. I was shocked at how many kids don't know their parent's name beyond "Mommy", and that will be one of the first questions they ask if the kids get separated from the parents in public. Phone numbers and addresses are beyond most of my kids. Though we do work a bit on street, town, state.


        • #5
          I think its a parental responsibility. I would just nicely say, as you can imagine that might be information overload and a bit confusing to teach here in group care!

          I do agree with PP, we started my own children learning their full name, our full names and town we live in around 2.5/3 yrs old, full address by 4 and phone number when they go off to school.


          • #6
            I've thought about putting this in the prek curriculum
            id do it in the way that, after they already knew how to read and write fairly well, at least here in my pre k program i did daily tracing sheets, if they mastered it or not, it was their name and after their name it was their first and last then their first middle and last (all this like 5 times of course and front and back sometimes and taking out the dotted lines for tracing when i felt appropriate) and when that got too tedious id thought about the address/phone number thing
            i don't think it would be an issue for the parents at all, kinder doesn't teach it i don't think and parents wont sit and teach it. maybe just send out a letter saying hey was thinking of turning their address/primary parents cell or home phone into a tracing paper (for children the year before Kinder thats what i mean by Pre K) and they can choose yes or no, if not the kids just keeps tracing his name.


            • #7
              our school teaches them their address and phone number in the second half of K.
              but, to be totally honest, I'd rather her not know our address. who knows who asks her, and she will tell. (I don't care as much for phone #, as almost everyone knows mine at this point)


              • #8
                Nope! not a skill my group can learn! working on My moms name is ________My dads name is_____ My sister/brother name is__________. My car is __color___. Figure if there lost and they can say "My sister teegan! Mommy car red!" it at least gives them hope. That way they can call over the loudspeaker "would the parents of blank and siblings name come to the service desk" then ask them the car color for verification.

