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New Proposed Rules

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  • New Proposed Rules

    Lovely! Our state is in the process of passing new rules. Right now they are proposed so not set in stone as of yet.

    Registered Family went up to 65 pages
    Certified Family went up to 92 pages
    Center went up to 102 Pages

    Keeping my fingers crossed not all pass if any. It is so hard doing an in home business with so many rules and regulations.
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    You're where our state was a couple years ago. It's ridiculous!! In-home dc should not be treated like a center, nor be expected to operate like a center. We don't have the staff, or the higher # of kiddos. There were sooo many changes to our state book that we had countless trainings to inform us, plus they still sent everyone an instruction manual to tell us how to understand the state rules. Can you imagine?? Who has time for that bull crap?? Can we say waste of money and manpower?? All to add so much rhetoric for people that should be using common sense anyways. I still have not had a licensing visit in 2 yrs. 2 months but when they finally show up and start telling me I'm not doing this, this and this......the poor licensor will get an earful.

    Oh and our new reg. book is over 95 pages long plus the guidance manual is 130 pages.


    • #3
      Education/trainings are raising the bar here beginning in the summer and other rules will be implemented over a three year span. I think this is happening everywhere to a certain extent. I got no choice but to roll with it


      • #4
        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
        Lovely! Our state is in the process of passing new rules. Right now they are proposed so not set in stone as of yet.

        Registered Family went up to 65 pages
        Certified Family went up to 92 pages
        Center went up to 102 Pages

        Keeping my fingers crossed not all pass if any. It is so hard doing an in home business with so many rules and regulations.
        Many meetings have taken place over the state lately and I like to think providers have been heard but the end result is what benefits the state with the most funding.....providers have been loud but money seems to talk louder....anxiously awaiting what happens!


        • #5
          I hear you. I'm in the process of setting my home back up and getting relicensed, the site talks about how the licensors are there to "help you get and maintain your license" :roll eyes:
          idk. i feel they work against me a lot more then they work for me. soon its going to be too expensive, trainings and all to even do daycare and just not worth it with the food handlers EVERYONE has to have now in my state and 30+ hours i have to have and 20+ my emps have to have GOODNIGHT it gets like.. why am i doing this??

