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What Would You Do?

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  • What Would You Do?

    I have a family where I currently watch their 2 year old DCB. He has 3 older siblings (5,8,10) who need summer care every other week. I’ve agreed to watch the boys (it will be nice for my SA to have someone to play with) but she also asked on the weeks I have them, if I could also do Saturday care from 8am-2pm. I immediately said I don’t know if I could be available every other Saturday. She would pay $100 for her 4 boys every other Saturday from 8-2. It sounds nice but I also very much look forward to my weekends.

    What would you do?

  • #2
    Me personally? I wouldn’t do weekends, ever. You have to decide if it’s worth it for you.


    • #3
      I would not do weekends.I think it would make the week to long.Also though that seems like a decent pay it is 6 hours with multiple children.Lunch and snacks would cut a fair amount out of the profit.You have your own children who probally like just to chill without sharing their space.


      • #4
        Personally? I'm not a weekend babysitter and my child care program doesn't offer weekend services so I would decline.

        However, there is nothing wrong with choosing to do this if YOU want to or need to.

        If you do choose to do it, there is always an out and you can bow out any time during the summer months if you feel it's not working.


        • #5
          Thanks ladies! It confirms how I was already feeling. I don’t want too but felt guilty for not doing it. (I have no idea why I even feel guilty) I’ll just stick to my Monday through Friday schedule!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ac114 View Post
            She would pay $100 for her 4 boys every other Saturday from 8-2. It sounds nice but I also very much look forward to my weekends.

            What would you do?
            $100/6hrs = $16.67
            $16.67/4 kids = $4.17 Hr Per kid
            - Big kids food servings, supplies, damage to property, no breaks and invading family time.

            I'd have to recommend taking a hard pass.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              Something else to consider if you are licensed .

              Are you licensed to do care on the weekends ? Here we must be licensed for weekends , evenings and nights in addition to a regular license.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Second Home View Post
                Something else to consider if you are licensed .

                Are you licensed to do care on the weekends ? Here we must be licensed for weekends , evenings and nights in addition to a regular license.
                Good point!
                Also need to check insurance.

                A lot of times you aren't covered through your liability insurance either if you aren't normally open during the weekends.

                You could also use licensing and/or insurance as a reason for not being able to accommodate this request.

