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Offset Naptimes?

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  • Offset Naptimes?

    Have you ever napped kids on different schedules? Long story 3 yo doesn't seem ready for sleep when I lay the others down at 12. However, he is exhausted all evening long. If I lay him down an hour or so later he seems to go to sleep w/o issue & has a much more pleasant evening.

    I was considering letting him stay up when I lay the others down & have some 1-on-1 time with Mom & then laying him down an hour later. My concerns are basically just dealing with other kids who don't want to sleep if they know he is up & what if the others wake up before I lay him down. He's not going to be happy about laying down while the other kids are waking up. I can just put on my mean mommy face & make him do it, but I don't really want another battle to fight.

    Or...I thought about intentionally waking him up earlier in the day so he'll be tired earlier. But he seems so tired when I get him up early & just lays around sucking his thumb the whole morning. He would get used to it & not be so groggy eventually, right?

  • #2
    I always put my DD in her room to play during nap. I would go in and check on her, spend some time with her then leave to check on others. If she fell asleep, she fell asleep otherwise it was more of a rest time.


    • #3
      I nap my own kids in their rooms my oldest has left naps behind since he is now 5. He stoped napping at about 4. Before that he would get a pike a books to look at on his bed (along with his zillion and one soft toys). He started only doing about an hour for nap at about 3 ish. Once he started staying awake for the whole of nap he could earn quite play time privvlige by staying quite. Now he just gets full use of his room as long as he leaves his noisy toys alone. As well a couple times a week he can earn time on his leapfrog. My 2 year old still naps but in his own room next door to him. I have monitors in each of their rooms and bring those down to the daycare with me.
      Hopefully your regulations could allow for something like this.


      • #4
        All I can tell you is if I don't get a break during the day I become a bear. Think about what you need also. Kids go through that transition where they almost don't need a nap but still do. Maybe, as a PP suggested, just put him in his bedroom with a few books and let him rest his body for an hour, see what happens.


        • #5
          I use my son's room as my nap room so I can't really let him just hang out in there. That's the only time dcks are allowed in the bedroom. Our home is relatively small with a fairly open concept so I can't figure out any other place to put them. My dh is on afternoons so he's up moving around & sometimes watching television in the family room while they nap so I just feel stuck. My dds room is where I nap the infant so I don't really have an extra room to use.


          • #6
            Update: I made sure ds was up before 7 am today & he was the first one asleep at nap time! I think that might work out to be my best solution. Just need to wake him consistently.

