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Left Owing Money

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  • Left Owing Money

    In my contract, I require a two-week notice to end care. DCM pulled DCB after not wanting to pay late fees. DCM hasn't given notice or attempted to pay. After a week, I emailed her letting her know care is terminated effective immediately for non-payment. I told DCM she still owes the fees and the weekly rate since my contract says you pay regardless of whether the child is here or not. How would you all go about collecting? Should I file in Small Claims? Has anyone done this? Was it worth it?

  • #2
    Are the fees enough to cover missing an entire day of work?

    Can you send it to a collections agency instead?


    • #3
      How would I go about sending it to collections? What information would I need?


      • #4
        Did you collect a two week deposit upon enrollment?
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          What state are you in?

          Collection agencies will take a portion of the amount owed as payment so I've never had luck with them in the past.

          I have filed in small claims court successfully but didn't have to figure in the costs of closing to be in court or having to hire a substitute as my sub is my DH (so free...!) but small claims was the easiest way to get what I was owed.

          I think a majority of providers have eliminated the probability of having a parent leave owing them by adopting pre-payment and deposit policies. Once you get burned by a family, you learn pretty quickly how to prevent it from happening again.

          Sorry you are dealing with this. It's always crappy situation to have parents that are willing to stiff you no matter how you manage it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            How would I go about sending it to collections? What information would I need?
            A copy of the contract, the written notice of ending care if they gave you one, and proof of attendance. So if you have a sign in sheet it'll show when the child last attended and their overtime.

            If you don't have that, maybe print out the texts. Just google collections agencies in your area. Usually, the small agencies are the same ones that cover doctor's offices. Then give them a call and ask them about collecting for you. They'll take their fee out of it if you don't have their fees written into your contract, but it might be better than missing work to go to court.


            • #7
              It really depends on how much she owes you to be honest. I had someone skip out on payment but it was not worth fighting for. I normally take a two week upfront deposit for this very reason. You are paid whether they give notice or not. With this lady she only wanted before school care so I didn’t bother, big mistake.

              If it worth it to you to fight make sure you have the agreement and any email or text exchanges showing proof of services and that you were in fact in a service agreement with her.


              • #8
                Check around collection agencies. Some will take a cut of what you get. I use one that doesn't. They add 40% to the amount I want for themselves. I get 100% of what I am owed and the "perp" has to pay the 40% and any legal fees to the agency.

