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Daycare Center Ratio Questions?

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  • Daycare Center Ratio Questions?

    does anyone know of a good paper ledger or computer program that you can see your staff to kids ratio so you dont have to many employees on or not enough, or is this a cat and mouse game each day? i am a new director of a daycare center, could use any advise, (maybe a big magnet board?)

  • #2
    Both of my employers use ProCare. I manage the desk some evenings, so I can't tell you how in depth it goes... But everyone (staff and kids) are signed into their respective rooms. On the Dashboard there's a ratio card, that shows how many kids and staff are signed into each room.

    If a room is running under ratio (too many teachers) it's highlighted in blue, over ratio is highlighted red.

    Also I think brightwheel allows you to see who's in the rooms, but its up to the staff to keep it updated.

    A magnet or dry erase board could work but it would require someone to manage and update it all day long. I imagine that would literally need to be someone's job.

