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Parents Want Me To "Shorten" Nap Time

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Wow- as a parent of a 3 year old researching online whether or not I should request that our daycare shorten a nap, this is an extremely discouraging and judgmental post to come across from a daycare employee. Your assumptions about their parenting and the child's behavior at home seem unfounded. Do you live at home with them? I would agree that 2 years old is perhaps a little young to start shortening naps- but there is plenty of evidence out there that 3-4 year olds begin cutting out naps- that should be done gradually. The daycare my child goes to is willing to work with us, as they should. We pay them a lot of money. I understand it probably makes more work for the employees and shortens their downtime. Maybe you should consider a job that is less stressful?

    I am willing to work with parents in my program as well. WITH that said, if their child is one of the 1. youngest in my program and 2. naps long and hard, we know she needs it. We spend a great deal of time with your children and know what's best for them while in our program. Parents also share a great deal of what happens at home with us, too.

    A 2 year old without rest that needs it is notoriously unregulated. That makes a very long day, sometimes 12+ hours for a TINY person, VERY hard for them and everyone else.

    When my son was in daycare no matter how tired I was I took him home and ran him. We played outside, or lots of indoor gross motor. NO tv. No running around in the car (sedentary). I essentially mimicked what daycare did to tire him out. Then I followed daycare's lead and had a SET bedtime and a SET routine. He was always out like a light. Repeated with my next kids.

    I enjoyed our "late" (for a toddler) nights at 9-9:30 because I was able to get more face time with him instead of 5:30-7:30 including dinner, bath and bed!


    • #32
      We have all the children lie down regardless of whether they rest or not as mandated by the minimum standards that are written by the department of human resources childcare division. If they sleep that's great, if they don't, we give them a quiet activity


      • #33
        Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
        I have been asked to but don't. If a child is sleeping that much they need that sleep.

        BlackCat - I consider nap time a "break" because I can relax a bit and don't have to be "on alert." Aside from my current nap-disrupting child, even when kiddos don't sleep I get some "down-time" because I know they'll stay on their cots and read or play quietly. It's not the same as being off, but it's a break from the rest of the day.
        ��������Nice that you’re able to relax during rest time

        My stress level gets turned to MAX.
        When the kids are awake, playing and interacting I know exactly what every one is doing.
        Who's fighting (and with who) who is whining and what each of them are doing.

        When they’re asleep the silence is oddly uncomfortable
        I am constantly and closely checking on every kid during rest time. Physically checking. I know I’ve started many instantly awake when I put my hand on their backs.
        Last edited by Blackcat31; 09-18-2019, 07:17 AM.


        • #34
          I hate when parents ask for shorten naps...we are very active here....when it's time for a nap kids are ready and fall asleep fast. Waking them early does not mean they will fall asleep earlier...sleep begets sleep. If I were to wake them earlier....they would get a second wind right before bed at home....and still not fall asleep. It is the parents job to wear them out after they are picked up....if parents only understood that is part of parenting......vent over.


          • #35
            I’ve been asked. I just explain that nothing in my handbook is negotiable and that everyone gets rest time. I’m like Blackcat-if my policies don’t work for you then my daycare won’t be a good fit.


            • #36
              I’ve never had someone ask me to shorten naptime. I have had a parent ask me how long naptime is and what we do for a child who doesn’t nap. I tell them that all children must lie down on a cot during this time but if they don’t fall asleep or wake up early they can look at a book or play quietly with a doll or stuffed animal. The only time I will wake up a child early is if a parent is going to pick up early. If a child sleeps during naptime it’s because he still needs a nap. I also don’t fight with a child who doesn’t sleep as long as he is quiet and doesn’t disturb the other children who need a nap.

