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Basement or Main Floor

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  • Basement or Main Floor

    I currently run my daycare out of an upper floor room AND my basement. So far it is working ok but having two spaces to clean is getting annoying. I also want to turn the upper room into a “chill pad” for my kids to hang out, play, and do I have been thinking about just running the daycare out of the basement.

    Do parents care about having a bright space? Since starting my daycare I have always had a bright space with lots of windows so I am not sure if it makes a difference or not. I do see advertisements from other providers saying “bright upper floor play space” so I get the feeling it is what parents want. I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot!

    What do you think?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
    I currently run my daycare out of an upper floor room AND my basement. So far it is working ok but having two spaces to clean is getting annoying. I also want to turn the upper room into a “chill pad” for my kids to hang out, play, and do I have been thinking about just running the daycare out of the basement.

    Do parents care about having a bright space? Since starting my daycare I have always had a bright space with lots of windows so I am not sure if it makes a difference or not. I do see advertisements from other providers saying “bright upper floor play space” so I get the feeling it is what parents want. I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot!

    What do you think?
    I run most of the daycare out of my basement. I had it finished for the daycare. It is pretty bright for a basement. I only take the kids upstairs for meals. I would do what is best for you. I had someone tell me one time my space was too small before.(it is not I have like 1600 sqft) So there will always be that one person that doesn't like something.


    • #3
      I run mine out of my basement. I have a dedicated playroom down there. As well as a kitchen and bathroom. I don't advertise what floor the playroom on and when parents they are often glad to see a dedicated space.


      • #4
        Great points, thank you!


        • #5
          In my last house, I had the day care in a finished cellar. I never heard complaints or comments about it not being bright enough and usually got complements on it. In my current house, the day care room gets a lot of sun and I've been told by several parents that they chose me, in part, because the room is so bright and cheery compared to some places they had looked at. So who knows?? I think for some parents, it will matter and for others, not so much. I think as long as the space is clean and makes them feel welcome you'll be fine regardless of which space you choose.


          • #6
            My basement is 1500 sq feet...and has an outside plenty of space. But it IS darker than upstairs. We just have plenty of warm lighting and bright colors. Nobody has ever said anything negative about it. In fact I get lots of comments on how cozy it is.

            Don't concern yourself with what other people may be offering...I have seen plenty of ads talking about bright and airy...lots of windows etc. It hasn't hurt my business in the slightest. Just make YOUR place inviting. Let the parents decide


            • #7

              Mine is well lit. My biggest selling point, for those who like and even those who hate it, is not just anyone can get in the basement. There's a separate entrance. No who isn't daycare related is allowed down there. If they do come down here, there's a sign stating not to come this way for nondaycare related issues. I won't let them in and explain why. Like let's say the UPS man has a package for me, he's not going to enter where the kids are. While the parents like it. I LOVE it. Not having people have access to my personal space.


              • #8
                I would think, as long as you keep it bright and happy, it wouldn't matter. Even with my dc on the main floor, my living room(and that's right by the entrance door) tends to be darker during these winter months. I don't have a light in there so what light comes in from the windows or other rooms is all there is. And some days at pick up or drop off it can seem gloomy. I've even thought of stringing clear Christmas lights to help brighten it up. I actually have many strands in my playroom because some mornings are darkish when dcks arrive. The dcks think it's wonderfully magical.
                Keeping it happy, cozy, warm and other light options help.


                • #9
                  Thank you everyone! I think I could try to brighten the space up a bit more for sure. Right now it is a medium mossy green colour so a brighter and lighter colour would work wonders. I also think having full spectrum lightbulbs might help (not sure where to get them or how much they are). We also go outside a lot and we are upstairs for 2 snacks and lunch every day.

                  I think offering part time plus my education and having a great space with lots of developmental materials should be the selling point anyway!

