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Kids Do The Darndest Things

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  • Kids Do The Darndest Things

    Today during nap time, 4 y/o E was on his bed, playing quietly. He never sleeps at nap time, and he usually entertains himself quietly on his bed. Today he was playing with a shiny green bead he found on the floor, and I didn't think anything of it. I went about my business of rubbing backs to help children fall asleep, and then did my cleaning duties. Once that was done, I sat down to cut out some matching cards I had laminated the night before. E was on all fours on his bed, and he started blowing his nose hard. It looked like he was trying to get snot all over his blanket, so I told him to get a kleenex.

    "But I don't have a runny nose," he said. So I asked him why he was blowing his nose like that.

    Because I have a shiny little green thing inside my nose," he replied.

    I promptly took him into the bathroom and had him bend over the sink. I plugged the nostril that didn't have the bead in it, and told him to blow. So he blew, and nothing came out. I told him to blow harder, and still nothing came out. I was starting to panic and think I was going to have to call his mom, but finally he managed to blow the bead out.

    What stories do you have to share?

  • #2

    I had a dcg stick a Lego in her nose once. A 4.5yo. Shoved it hard enough up there that when I removed it with tweezers (it was still visible, so I felt comfortable doing so, and I didn't ask her to blow, she was the kid who sucked IN instead)

    My own son stuck a pea in his ear. Had to irrigate his ear to get it out.



    • #3
      Just last week dcb 2 also shoved a Lego up his nose! It was so high I couldn't even see it. He kept saying"V's yellow piece" but I didn't know what that meant. Since he kept picking his nose I lifted his head back to look & at the same time he sneezed. Big wad of snot with a little Lego piece inside flew right into my lap! Yep, it was a yellow piece. Lol Apparently it was stuck down in the carpet from when my son had played with them the night before. I missed it when I cleaned up.


      • #4
        Originally posted by fifi View Post
        Today during nap time, 4 y/o E was on his bed, playing quietly. He never sleeps at nap time, and he usually entertains himself quietly on his bed. Today he was playing with a shiny green bead he found on the floor, and I didn't think anything of it. I went about my business of rubbing backs to help children fall asleep, and then did my cleaning duties. Once that was done, I sat down to cut out some matching cards I had laminated the night before. E was on all fours on his bed, and he started blowing his nose hard. It looked like he was trying to get snot all over his blanket, so I told him to get a kleenex.

        "But I don't have a runny nose," he said. So I asked him why he was blowing his nose like that.

        Because I have a shiny little green thing inside my nose," he replied.

        I promptly took him into the bathroom and had him bend over the sink. I plugged the nostril that didn't have the bead in it, and told him to blow. So he blew, and nothing came out. I told him to blow harder, and still nothing came out. I was starting to panic and think I was going to have to call his mom, but finally he managed to blow the bead out.

        What stories do you have to share?
        I am so glad to hear this story turned out positive! I can only image how awful this could have been had the bead not become dislodged.

        I have to ask though why you thought nothing of him playing with a bead (small enough to fit in his nostril) during rest time? Those types of things should be reserved for awake time that is supervised by an adult.

        Breathing a sigh of relief this child didn't choke.


        • #5
          My sister stuck a chiclet (small price of gum) up her nose when we were little. I would guess she was 3 or 4 which called for an emergency room visit. Back in the 90s chiclets were much smaller than they are now.


          • #6
            Speaking of noses

            My own 4years stuck a lives of lego up his nose. Dad was halfway home to take him into the hospital since I could no see it (but was breathing ok due to shape and size he picked) when I spotted it and felt ok getting it out with tweezers.

            My youngest brother did peas one in each mistrial once but was able to blow it out. Age 5 or so.

            My other brothwe at about 7 years stuck raisins up his nose enough that he was having troubles breathing. But outside a tornado raged so my mom was able to get it out with tweezers after a few panic moments.


            • #7
              The bead was too small to choke on, and this kid usually plays quietly and responsibly on his bed during nap. I didn't have him doing a bead activity - he just found it on the floor. But yeah, I learned my lesson.
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              I am so glad to hear this story turned out positive! I can only image how awful this could have been had the bead not become dislodged.

              I have to ask though why you thought nothing of him playing with a bead (small enough to fit in his nostril) during rest time? Those types of things should be reserved for awake time that is supervised by an adult.

              Breathing a sigh of relief this child didn't choke.


              • #8
                Originally posted by fifi View Post
                The bead was too small to choke on, and this kid usually plays quietly and responsibly on his bed during nap. I didn't have him doing a bead activity - he just found it on the floor. But yeah, I learned my lesson.
                The bead was too small to choke on" ??
                .....Never heard that one before? :confused:

                "and plays responsibly" .....Um, he stuck a bead up his nose.

                ETA: I'm not trying to give you a hard time but stuff like this is why there are such silly rules and regulations being imposed on providers now days... common sense should tell you (all child care staff) that NOTHING is ever too small to be a choking hazard. Kids can and do choke on tiny beads all the time and referring to a child as responsible is silly...he's a child that requires child care and supervision. If he were truly responsible, he wouldn't be in care.
                Last edited by Blackcat31; 01-10-2018, 10:47 AM.

