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2 Year Old Speech Delay

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  • 2 Year Old Speech Delay

    I have a DCB who will be 2 at the end of the month, who has very little language skills. He says 5 discernable words, but the rest of the time he just points and says "Da" (that). He screams if I repeat my name back to him after he calls me mom, and will not try to repeat any other words after me either.

    Not that my DS is a genius, but at 14 months he is saying 15+ clear words and is willing to attempt to repeat words after me. I haven't done anything different with my DS than I do with daycare kids, so it isn't like I am grooming him.

    Now, DCM wants to attempt to potty train. DCB doesn't tell me when he has wet or has a BM, but if asked he *sometimes* will nod his head. DCB is nowhere near ready to potty train, and I believe she should be more focused on speech therapy instead. But, DCM is one who let's DCB day "Da" for everything and just guesses till she gets it right.

    For those who have 2 year olds, did they have this much trouble talking? I know boys often take longer to reach milestones than girls, but to me this seems like DCB is way behind.

  • #2
    I wouldn’t be concerned yet. He seems on the verge of language explosion. He’s attempting verbal communication.


    • #3
      Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
      I wouldn’t be concerned yet. He seems on the verge of language explosion. He’s attempting verbal communication.
      Two is where you start to notice which kids catch on quickly and which are slower to master but NONE are really out of range at that age.

      My own son didn't say anything understandable until close to 3 and then he exploded and never stopped talking. ::

      What bothers me is parents that reply to their children in ways that aren't acceptable. I have a DCK (Age 3.5) that says "Me have that at home" or "Me don't like blueberries"
      and mom will reply "Me likes them" and NEVER corrects.

      That drives me crazy.

      As for potty training, this is when you say "Well mom you let me know when he makes it a FULL two weeks staying dry and we'll discuss finishing up with the process at daycare."

      Until he reaches the point of being dry for 2 full weeks WITHOUT a timer or parent prompts I'd stay out of it.

      That's usually my plan and 95% of the time it works well and I am not drug into any negative issues that I really don't want to be part of.


      • #4
        I have a 17 month old that doesnt have any words. Not even mama or dada. All they say is "Ah ah" and depending on what it they are tryibg to communicate, they change the tone. The parents actually encourage it! Instead of teaching their child to say "All done" they teach him to say " Ah ah" in a way that sounds like all done. Like ah ahhh. Idk its so weird!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          Two is where you start to notice which kids catch on quickly and which are slower to master but NONE are really out of range at that age.

          My own son didn't say anything understandable until close to 3 and then he exploded and never stopped talking. ::

          What bothers me is parents that reply to their children in ways that aren't acceptable. I have a DCK (Age 3.5) that says "Me have that at home" or "Me don't like blueberries"
          and mom will reply "Me likes them" and NEVER corrects.

          That drives me crazy.

          As for potty training, this is when you say "Well mom you let me know when he makes it a FULL two weeks staying dry and we'll discuss finishing up with the process at daycare."

          Until he reaches the point of being dry for 2 full weeks WITHOUT a timer or parent prompts I'd stay out of it.

          That's usually my plan and 95% of the time it works well and I am not drug into any negative issues that I really don't want to be part of.
          I was planning on doing that, BC! I am not an active participant in early potty training, aside from having toddlers pull their pants up and down at diaper changes. I know he isn't ready yet, I will not participate in pushing him I to something he isn't ready for. Why is there such a push for early potty training?!? It goes so much quicker and smoother when the child initiates it when they are developmentally ready!


          • #6
            Here in my City the standards are much more strict. At 2 years he should be saying two word sentences and have well over 100 words. I would be recommending an assessment personally....but it usually falls on deaf ears because everyone says “wait and see”. My own two kids were speaking in full 3-4 word sentences at 2.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MomBoss View Post
              I have a 17 month old that doesnt have any words. Not even mama or dada. All they say is "Ah ah" and depending on what it they are tryibg to communicate, they change the tone. The parents actually encourage it! Instead of teaching their child to say "All done" they teach him to say " Ah ah" in a way that sounds like all done. Like ah ahhh. Idk its so weird!
              That is WEIRD!

              Originally posted by Ariana View Post
              Here in my City the standards are much more strict. At 2 years he should be saying two word sentences and have well over 100 words. I would be recommending an assessment personally....but it usually falls on deaf ears because everyone says “wait and see”. My own two kids were speaking in full 3-4 word sentences at 2.
              Same here, except it's 20 words that cannot be names.

              I just referred an almost 2. She can say NO. Dogs name, my dogs name, and mama. Not even Dada. I've been consistently working with her for 3 months now. Zero improvement.


              • #8
                My daughter was deaf until two, when we got her tubes placed and everything else taken out. Please don't brush it off like I did. My girl couldn't hear and would scream everything that she wanted because she didn't have any other way. Now she has a speech impairment but talks ALL the time. Tubes were like night and day with her. We were told that she probably heard the noise of talking but it was muffled and she couldn't comprehend what we were saying to her. Please don't pass it off as nothing. Not talking is also a sign of autism. Recommend a visit to the doctor and a referral to the audiologist. Please do this for your DCK.

