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Infant Jealousy

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  • Infant Jealousy

    Have any of you ever had infants get jealous of each other? I’ve got two infants that began the same day that are 5 weeks apart in age but one of them has developed quickly and the other very slowly. Recently, one baby began crawling and standing up. The other baby just learned how to roll over and can’t sit up without full assistance. I feel like the non mobile baby is becoming increasingly jealous of the freedom to roam that the mobile baby now has. They are 7 and 8 months old. Anyone experienced this before and if so, is there anything I can do to help the non mobile baby not be jealous?

  • #2
    Originally posted by HappyEverAfter View Post
    Have any of you ever had infants get jealous of each other? I’ve got two infants that began the same day that are 5 weeks apart in age but one of them has developed quickly and the other very slowly. Recently, one baby began crawling and standing up. The other baby just learned how to roll over and can’t sit up without full assistance. I feel like the non mobile baby is becoming increasingly jealous of the freedom to roam that the mobile baby now has. They are 7 and 8 months old. Anyone experienced this before and if so, is there anything I can do to help the non mobile baby not be jealous?
    Yes but I have no advice . I have a 7 month old and a 9 month old. They both get fussy and will cry if one is being held and fed. The 9 month old is just now able to sit without flopping over. The 7 month old is army crawling. They compete all day long with crying if the other is doing something they are not.


    • #3
      It’s driving me crazy! I’m already dreading today and I don’t even have any kids here yet. All the crying and screaming for no real reason is mentally exhausting. Ugh, this is one of the many reasons I am no longer accepting infants going forward.


      • #4
        Originally posted by HappyEverAfter View Post
        It’s driving me crazy! I’m already dreading today and I don’t even have any kids here yet. All the crying and screaming for no real reason is mentally exhausting. Ugh, this is one of the many reasons I am no longer accepting infants going forward.
        ME TOOOOOOO once this crew is done or leaves i'm done with infants. Honestly once my 2 almost 3 year old goes to school I want to transition over to only before and after care. I am burnt out on all the drama from the parents, kids not wanting to nap or eat right. The state new requirements are also getting out of hand and having an employee is ok until i need to hire again.I have 4 infants almost 1, 9 months 7 months and 5 months. I also have a full time assistant. The oldest is fine most days and easy peasy. The youngest is also ok most days. The middle two that are a pain and both hardly nap. I have tried and tried they both sleep maybe 45 minutes the entire time they are here.The crying drives me batty on some days. I will get one day a week maybe if i'm lucky that they aren't crying all the time.


        • #5
          Also people calling for infant spots and asking for discounts or part time on an infant. Nope they are too much work as it is and you want to pay less for it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by amberrose3dg View Post
            Also people calling for infant spots and asking for discounts or part time on an infant. Nope they are too much work as it is and you want to pay less for it.

            Caller: "Do I get a discount?"

            Me: "Well, my normal rate is $250 per week but I can probably give you a cheaper rate. I could do $175 a week"

            My regular rate is $175. :: ::

            It's amazing how many people will reply with something like "Oh, that is awesome! Thank you!"

            I actually have one family in care right now that "thinks" they are getting a discount. (they're not) and since I don't raise rates on current families, they can't really compare to what other families are paying as everyone enrolled at different times.

