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Adjusting Back After Thanksgiving

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  • Adjusting Back After Thanksgiving

    Anyone else feeling like their dck kinda regressed over Thanksgiving?

    My dcb1 (hates change, very clingy) was sick before Thanksgiving, so after a week gone, he is back to crying if anyone leaves the room.

    DCB5mths was mad at being offered a bottle, and didn't seem to know how to relax into a nap.

    I hope it goes better with the pm crowd!

  • #2
    My youngest dcb1 is whiney and irritable today. The girls are fine but if one of them looks at him wrong he’s crying. Only 4 of my 6 attend on Mondays.


    • #3
      My youngest, 11 months, cried a lot at nap times. You know, the whole "my world is ending" type of cries. But she came back walking, so it has been a cool day


      • #4
        it seems I am lucky one. My kids are doing well. 11 of 12 are here happyface


        • #5
          Originally posted by ColorfulSunburst View Post
          it seems I am lucky one. My kids are doing well. happyface
          Same here! happyface

          But then again Tuesdays are my Mondays so if anyone asks tomorrow, I will more than likely have a different answer.


          • #6
            Originally posted by midaycare View Post
            she came back walking, so it has been a cool day

            Yeah, the 16 mth old came back taking a few steps too. It's awesome to see them make progress.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              Same here! happyface

              But then again Tuesdays are my Mondays so if anyone asks tomorrow, I will more than likely have a different answer.
              Are you off on Mondays....?


              • #8
                Oh heck yeah!

                But then I realized that even if I'd worked on Friday we'd still have Monday today so it was worth that day off.

                Mondays are always hard - tomorrow will be a little better and Wednesday even better yet. By Friday they'll be back in the swing of things...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CityGarden View Post
                  Are you off on Mondays....?
                  Oh no.... I wish!

                  My kiddos all seem to come back in a weird funk on Mondays and are quiet and seemingly happy to be back.

                  Tuesdays they all seem to be whiney and ornery.

                  I think it takes all of Monday to remove the after affects of the weekend...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by midaycare View Post
                    My youngest, 11 months, cried a lot at nap times. You know, the whole "my world is ending" type of cries. But she came back walking, so it has been a cool day
                    My infant came back doing "end of the world cries" for nap... BUT he took two solid naps instead of 3 iffy ones. happyface. My 14 month old forgot how to play or sleep without constant 1:1, I'm hoping we relearn quickly.


                    • #11
                      Screaming fits, not eating, not napping. . . and these are my good kids. ::


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        Oh no.... I wish!

                        My kiddos all seem to come back in a weird funk on Mondays and are quiet and seemingly happy to be back.

                        Tuesdays they all seem to be whiney and ornery.

                        I think it takes all of Monday to remove the after affects of the weekend...
                        Actually I have children nap 30 minutes earlier every Monday because it seems they get no sleep on weekends, LOL!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CityGarden View Post
                          Actually I have children nap 30 minutes earlier every Monday because it seems they get no sleep on weekends, LOL!
                          I have a 3 year old that doesn’t nap at home at all. Mom says she just can’t get her down because her and her brother nap at different times and share a room. Idk mom they nap at the same time here no problem, although in separate rooms as the 1 year old cant be trusted in a toddler bed quite yet. Anyways said 3 year old is almost always the first one asleep.

                          One out sick today so still not everyone back from break together. Still only my newly 1 year old giving me problems. He popped a tooth sometime between 5PM last night when he left and 10AM this morning when I checked him and I feel another one that is so close to popping through. We are still cranky as heck today. On at least 10 different occasions I watched another child walk near him, not even touching him and the water works started. It’s whineypants city for him this week so far.

