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Eating Before Arriving

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  • Eating Before Arriving

    I know it on here probably somewhere but wanted to ask real quick.

    What do you do for children that parents feed them, even if a little bit but since your on the food program, you still have to feed them.

    You've let the parents know that breakfast is very soon after arriving but they still have to give them something-pancakes, hot chocolate, cake pops, scrambled eggs, protein shakes, etc.

    Child won't eat very much variety to begin with so trying to instill good eating but when they come in full it is hard.

    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
    I know it on here probably somewhere but wanted to ask real quick.

    What do you do for children that parents feed them, even if a little bit but since your on the food program, you still have to feed them.

    You've let the parents know that breakfast is very soon after arriving but they still have to give them something-pancakes, hot chocolate, cake pops, scrambled eggs, protein shakes, etc.

    Child won't eat very much variety to begin with so trying to instill good eating but when they come in full it is hard.

    I don’t serve breakfast for this reason. Due to the hours I’m open I only need to serve one meal and two snacks so that is what I do. I also don’t participate in the food program but as long as it’s offered can’t you count it? I wouldn’t worry about what they eat or don’t eat, as long as I serve the required components I’m good for licensing. It doesn’t matter if they actually eat it or not.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
      I know it on here probably somewhere but wanted to ask real quick.

      What do you do for children that parents feed them, even if a little bit but since your on the food program, you still have to feed them.

      You've let the parents know that breakfast is very soon after arriving but they still have to give them something-pancakes, hot chocolate, cake pops, scrambled eggs, protein shakes, etc.

      Child won't eat very much variety to begin with so trying to instill good eating but when they come in full it is hard.

      You only need to offer.

      You can't force them to eat.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        You only need to offer.

        You can't force them to eat.

        I do a later breakfast and encourage parents to give their children a snack before dropping off. I have to offer food every 3 hours but only get reimbursed for 3 meals so having a later breakfast eliminates AM snack so I get reimbursed for every meal I provide. Plus the children aren't as hangry when they arrive.


        • #5
          I have the same issue. For this reason breakfast is the bare minimum. I have 4 that come for breakfast and 2 that arrive slightly before am snack. Most kids eat alot before they come. I stopped serving so much because of all the waste.


          • #6
            we have breakfast at 9 am. No issues.
            If I provide breakfast at 8 am I would have some problem. at 9am all of them are hungry and have great appetite.


            • #7
              I changed breakfast to 9:30.I called it breakfast snack.I served all components for food program.


              • #8
                I'm kind of the opposite, I prefer that children eat before arrival.

                I serve breakfast at 7:45am here and all of my children eat a light "snack" at home (think fig bar type food) and then eat again here. Most of my children are super early risers though (like 5am) so it makes sense for them to eat at home first.

                I can certainty see how wasting food would be frustrating though!


                • #9
                  Who is it that said, "In their belly or in the trash, it's all gone to me." ??

                  Just serve the minimum required and mark it down. Like half a slice of toast, glass of milk, and half a banana is adequate for reimbursement claim.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post

                    I do a later breakfast and encourage parents to give their children a snack before dropping off. I have to offer food every 3 hours but only get reimbursed for 3 meals so having a later breakfast eliminates AM snack so I get reimbursed for every meal I provide. Plus the children aren't as hangry when they arrive.
                    Yup. I serve what is breakfast to some kids and AM snack to others slightly later then I would serve breakfast normally. I claim it and serve the components of a breakfast.

                    Idc if they eat or not.


                    • #11
                      The same thing happened to me, but I don't serve a morning snack. They wouldn't eat breakfast but then were starving and irritable by 10:00.
                      I moved breakfast to 9:00 and everyone eats.


                      • #12
                        My kiddo's start arriving at 6:45 and breakfast starts at 7:15. Its just a few that have come in eating so I like to still get the ones that haven't eaten fed-especially the school kiddo's.I guess I'm just frustrated because the parents know they will have a full breakfast here but still give them just enough so they don't want to eat here.

                        I actually have always had parents that appreciate that they don't have to do that bit of extra in the mornings, but there is always the one going against the grain
                        Each day is a fresh start
                        Never look back on regrets
                        Live life to the fullest
                        We only get one shot at this!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                          My kiddo's start arriving at 6:45 and breakfast starts at 7:15. Its just a few that have come in eating so I like to still get the ones that haven't eaten fed-especially the school kiddo's.I guess I'm just frustrated because the parents know they will have a full breakfast here but still give them just enough so they don't want to eat here.

                          I actually have always had parents that appreciate that they don't have to do that bit of extra in the mornings, but there is always the one going against the grain
                          It can only bother you if you choose to let it. Don't think about it. Just assume that kid has a small appetite. If mom is eating already, it'd be mean to tell DCB "no, you have to wait until you get to daycare and just watch me eat this yummy breakfast"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
                            Who is it that said, "In their belly or in the trash, it's all gone to me." ??
                            That would be me.

                            I used to repeat it like a lunch time ritual back when I had bad eaters. It helped me understand that I cant make anyone eat and I am not out any money if they don't.

                            It's something I refer to often when I hear complaint about wasting food.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              That would be me.

                              I used to repeat it like a lunch time ritual back when I had bad eaters. It helped me understand that I cant make anyone eat and I am not out any money if they don't.

                              It's something I refer to often when I hear complaint about wasting food.

                              Yep, unless they are FTT it's none of my business how much they eat. I put healthy food in front of them, then put the plates in the dishwasher. What happens between is on them.

