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Pregnant and need advice :)

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  • Pregnant and need advice :)

    Ok, I just found out last Thursday that I am pregnant. This is a pleasant surprise, but it leaves me in a predicament. I was expanding my business and now I have a family that just started last week with a toddler and an infant on the way.

    I only take one infant at a time, so I won't be able to keep them after my baby is born. I know that consistency is important to them.

    My hubby is pushing to keep this family for financial reasons. He recently found a job again after being laid off of a few months. He's feeling pressure since the job isn't in his field of choice and he took a $2.00/hr pay cut instead the $20.00 pay raise he was expecting after passing his test.

    We are concerned with having enough money to make it through 8 weeks of maternity leave. I don't charge for maternity leave and he may/may not be working during that time as in his field things are pretty slow during the early part of the year.

    My personal take is that I feel that I should let this family know that I am pregnant and won't be able to watch thier children. My business take is that we need the money to save up for leave. I'll also feel exhausted if I keep them while I'm pregnant as well, so I don't really want to.

    Has anyone had this dilema with deciding to let someone go, with financial aspects, and/or with hubby's not understanding why you may need to let someone go even though it's good money?

  • #2
    I went through something kind of similar. One family has a baby 6 months older than mine and the other family I have just had a baby, so she's 9 months younger than mine. I had to let the family with the new baby go because I did not feel comfortable caring for 3 under 18 months plus siblings. It hurt to let them go because they are such a great family. It would have been do-able to keep the family, but I would think about how bad the bad days are and try to think how I would feel adding another baby. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it mentally. To me, sanity is more important than the financial aspect. Things might be a little tighter, but I know we'll make it through.

    I would let the family know now. To me, honesty is the best policy. I'm always upfront with my families because that's how I would want to be treated, especially when it comes to my children. Who knows, maybe they'll stick with you for awhile before finding other care, which will help you a bit financially.

    Congratulations on the pregnancy

