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One Year Old - Activities?

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  • One Year Old - Activities?

    What kinds of things do your one year olds spend their days doing? Do you do anything "structured" with them?

  • #2
    Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
    What kinds of things do your one year olds spend their days doing? Do you do anything "structured" with them?
    Nope, nothing structured. They just don't care, IME. Lots of playing, reading as per their interest, singing songs, doing finger plays (well, I do the fingerplays, they giggle at me mostly until closer to 2), and free play. I will direct them when I need to (A, why don't you leave C alone to play with that? Let's go over here and build a tower to knock down!) but other wise, I let them crawl/toddle around being babies.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      We do a lot of finger painting with pudding. Safe to eat and easy to color.
      Also non toxic bubbles in very shallow trays. Use lots of cups for them to fill up and dump out. Make sure it is small trays. I buy cat little trays smaller size they have.
      I have more but need to run. Pm me later if u want


      • #4
        Read together
        Sing action songs
        They love ring-around-the-rosie
        Crayons (usually very brief stretches at first)
        Play dough (again may be very short stretches for younger one year olds)

        Lots of free play and just setting up the environment for them to explore:
        different types of blocks
        stacking/nesting cups
        kitchen area
        board books
        little people
        musical instruments
        felt board
        toy animals


        • #5
          Read, finger plays, sometimes I take out one specific toy and play with them (as opposed to free play), starting to give them finger paints & crayons, lots of outside time exploring, shape sorters & blocks & sorting cups and toys and rings are all favorites.

