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Parent Has A Problem With My Menu!

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  • Parent Has A Problem With My Menu!

    A few minutes ago one of my DCK's (4 1/2 yrs) says to me...."my dad doesn't like that you write down stuff on my daily sheet that I don't eat!" I promptly wrote on her daily sheet, that each child is given the same food and portions for breakfast, snacks, & lunch and it is up to the child to decide what they choose to eat!
    This coming from a parent with an overweight child, who brings her here every morning with a huge McDonalds breakfast! The child lives on fast food and will not touch a fruit or vegetable!!
    Sorry just really needed to vent, or I swear I'm going to let loose on this dude at pickup tonight. This is not the first problem I've had with this parent and I'm about at my wits end with him and his daughter!!

  • #2
    Well, then, Daddy needs to tell me.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Justjoy View Post
      A few minutes ago one of my DCK's (4 1/2 yrs) says to me...."my dad doesn't like that you write down stuff on my daily sheet that I don't eat!" I promptly wrote on her daily sheet, that each child is given the same food and portions for breakfast, snacks, & lunch and it is up to the child to decide what they choose to eat!
      This coming from a parent with an overweight child, who brings her here every morning with a huge McDonalds breakfast! The child lives on fast food and will not touch a fruit or vegetable!!
      Sorry just really needed to vent, or I swear I'm going to let loose on this dude at pickup tonight. This is not the first problem I've had with this parent and I'm about at my wits end with him and his daughter!!
      I would never take what a child says at face value. She may have heard only a portion of the conversation or interpreted the entire thing incorrectly.

      One of my methods of not dealing with stress is to never listen to what the daycare kids say. If a parent has a problem with me or something in my program, they need to be an adult and come to me with their issue.

      If I hear it second hand or am told by their child, it's not MY problem as I can't fix or address issues I am unaware of.

      If it bothers you a ton, I'd just ask dad casually at pick up if he has issues with your menu as Sally mentioned something about it at lunch time so I am just wondering if there is anything you wanted to talk about. Then let him explain or deny. If he says nothing then let it go.


      • #4
        If it was this 1 isolated problem, I'd let it go in one ear and out the other but you said he's been a huge problem. If he's causing you that much stress, maybe the family's not worth keeping in your daycare?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          If it bothers you a ton, I'd just ask dad casually at pick up if he has issues with your menu as Sally mentioned something about it at lunch time so I am just wondering if there is anything you wanted to talk about. Then let him explain or deny. If he says nothing then let it go.
          It clears the air quickly so you don't spend time worrying about it and it's kind of funny to see their expression when they realize their kid ratted them out.


          • #6
            "Well then little snowflake, you should start eatig the things I write on your sheet so daddy is happier with you"


            • #7
              Thank you all for your input. I slept on and decided to just blow it off for now. Yesterday was just one of those days that seemed like everything it was going wrong

