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UGH! Frustrated

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  • UGH! Frustrated

    Okay, today at pick-up with one of the dck, (an only child who has her mom wrapped around her finger) mom says to girl, what happened to your face. There was a red circle next to one of her eyes. I said, I noticed it when she came in this morning. It was lighter then but as the day wore on, it get redder. Still, she kept asking girl what happened. But all she said was that there were being cats and it's from the floor. (This morning, the kids were pretending to be animals and crawling on the floor). Then mom went to grab all of girl's stuff she brings (blankets, insulated bag for drinks, bag of stuffed animals, all things that are not required as I supply everything) girl starts to whine. Mom said what happened. Girl said "X" pushed her. X is my son. Mom said, I know honey, I saw. I said, what? I didn't see it. Mom had her back to the kids while getting her daughter's stuff so she didn't see anything. Girl has lied in the past and denies hurting another dck. My son is not always the best behaved. HE's 3 as is the dcg, but when he does something wrong I discipline him.
    I really wanted to say, ok, tomorrow will be your last day.

  • #2 would have been her last day here. That's terrible! I will not be disrespected or be talked to (even indirectly) in such a manner - I have termed before over things like that. No amount of money is worth being spoken to or threatened in my OWN HOME. Some people have some nerve.


    • #3
      Thank you. Sometimes I do get uspset over things that aren't worthy of being upset. My mom even said, she wishes I could replace her. The dcg really bugs my mom. So much, that she doesn't like filling in for me if I have a dr apt or something. The other 2 kids she likes, but not this girl or mom.
      When mom drops off girl in the morning, she unloads all of her "crap" first and brings it in the house, leaves girl outside in vehicle. Where she should bring in girl first than all of the unnecessary stuff she brings. All of her stuff doesn't even fit in her cubby!


      • #4
        Regarding the cubby....I have in my phb that parents may only bring to daycare what can fit in the cubby (this does not include diapers as I keep those elsewhere) and they may not bring toys or food. I am glad I added this part because I have several parents who bring so much cr*p and my house is small...they had stuff all over the place.....not anymore!


        • #5
          stop her at the door and don't let her bring the stuff in anymore. It sounds like mom is starting to walk all over you.


          • #6
            Yeah I wouldn't allow any of that stuff either if you supply it all. I'm getting ready to enforce a "no diaper bag!" policy in my house since they're big, bulky, and totally unnecessary since I supply stuff.
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #7
              What do you gals mean by "I supply everything/stuff"?

              For me, paretns supply diapers, wipes, baby food (if used), formula (if used) and I supply everything else. The only thing in my kids' cubbies are their diapers, wipes and spare clothing. Their blankets, teddies, soothers, etc are kept in their cribs and only allowed for use during nap time. When supplies run low or need to be replaced, I inform the parents. No outside toys are allowed into the dayhome unless it is show and tell day, and no food is allowed into the house unless parents are asked to bring something for a special occasion. If either end up passed the door, they are taken away and given back at pick-up.
              No diaper bags!

              Sounds like DCG is in control of DCM! That's her issue, not yours and you need to set the tone that this is YOUR home and YOU are in control... if the girl or the mom keep up the attitude, give them the boot!


              • #8
                What is dcm's problem? You mentioned that she said she saw her that your son pushed her since she didn't see anything. It sounds like she lied too just like her daughter. I wouldn't accept be disrespected in my home. Does she mad you at something in the past? If it happened again, tell her "It is her last day!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                  What do you gals mean by "I supply everything/stuff"?

                  For me, paretns supply diapers, wipes, baby food (if used), formula (if used) and I supply everything else. The only thing in my kids' cubbies are their diapers, wipes and spare clothing. Their blankets, teddies, soothers, etc are kept in their cribs and only allowed for use during nap time. When supplies run low or need to be replaced, I inform the parents. No outside toys are allowed into the dayhome unless it is show and tell day, and no food is allowed into the house unless parents are asked to bring something for a special occasion. If either end up passed the door, they are taken away and given back at pick-up.
                  No diaper bags!

                  Sounds like DCG is in control of DCM! That's her issue, not yours and you need to set the tone that this is YOUR home and YOU are in control... if the girl or the mom keep up the attitude, give them the boot!

                  Girl is potty trained so there is no diapers/wipes/formula etc. I provide blankets for naps and wash them weekly. I provide food/beverages for snacks and lunch (she's not here for b-fast) so she doesn't need to bring an insulated bag with 4 sippy cups full of milk. She brings a huge tote bag that has her winter coat because she can't wear it in the car seat, and she needs it when we go to the bus stop for my dd. She also bring her snowpants. Now, our temps have been very cold, and we haven't been going out. It's been below freezing during the day and single digits/teens for overnight.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
                    Girl is potty trained so there is no diapers/wipes/formula etc. I provide blankets for naps and wash them weekly. I provide food/beverages for snacks and lunch (she's not here for b-fast) so she doesn't need to bring an insulated bag with 4 sippy cups full of milk. She brings a huge tote bag that has her winter coat because she can't wear it in the car seat, and she needs it when we go to the bus stop for my dd. She also bring her snowpants. Now, our temps have been very cold, and we haven't been going out. It's been below freezing during the day and single digits/teens for overnight.
                    That's the only part that seems even remotely reasonable (I will say YAY!!! to the mom for recognizing and following a "no heavy coat in the car seat" rule; that's a GOOD thing). But the rest of it? yeah no...
                    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

