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Illegally Unlicensed Providers Bother Me..

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  • Illegally Unlicensed Providers Bother Me..

    Being a licensed provider is not easy. We have inspections, trainings, have to be in compliance with regs all the time, paperwork, the time it takes to become licensed!...yet when I see someone advertising to do daycare, knowing they are not licensed, it really bothers me! Saw someone on facebook post that they decided to become a sahm and do daycare and started advertising what they will offer. I really want to comment that they have to be licensed or its illegal if they care for more than 1 child at a time. Should i let it go or say something?

  • #2
    Legally unlicensed here... I've had people comment on my posts before about legal limits. When I first started it bothered me, not so much anymore. The first thing I address on my Facebook page is the difference be legal and illegal unlicensed providers, so I don't get this anymore. However I do think a lot of people just don't know, especially parents lookin for care and the new SAHM. If you say something, keep it nice. Along the lines of... just want to make sure you don't get in trouble... rather than accusing. Adding a link to can be helpful too. Or PM them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by TheMisplacedMidwestMom View Post
      Legally unlicensed here... I've had people comment on my posts before about legal limits. When I first started it bothered me, not so much anymore. The first thing I address on my Facebook page is the difference be legal and illegal unlicensed providers, so I don't get this anymore. However I do think a lot of people just don't know, especially parents lookin for care and the new SAHM. If you say something, keep it nice. Along the lines of... just want to make sure you don't get in trouble... rather than accusing. Adding a link to can be helpful too. Or PM them.
      I know in this state you cannot watch more than 1 family at a time without needing to be licensed. So according to her post, shes planning on running a full daycare. I was going to comment letting her know that she really needs to be licensed or she may get in trouble.


      • #4
        Not all unlicensed providers are illegal unless you are referring to your specific state if it requires licensing.

        My state requires licensing if you care for more than one family at one time. But technically a provider could watch one family that has 19 kids and 100% legal or they could provide care for a dozen families but only one family at a time. Smith family on M,W,F until noon, Jones family M,W,F from noon until 6PM and then the Wilson family on T,TH... all perfectly legal.

        While I definitely support licensing in my state there are so many variables that it's almost impossible to know for sure that someone is operating illegally.

        What action I take depends on the situation. Sometimes I offer education and support (not everyone understands or is even aware that you have to be licensed) or there may be times I simply scroll right on by and then there are times in which I would report. But like I said, it depends on the situation.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MomBoss View Post
          Being a licensed provider is not easy. We have inspections, trainings, have to be in compliance with regs all the time, paperwork, the time it takes to become licensed!...yet when I see someone advertising to do daycare, knowing they are not licensed, it really bothers me! Saw someone on facebook post that they decided to become a sahm and do daycare and started advertising what they will offer. I really want to comment that they have to be licensed or its illegal if they care for more than 1 child at a time. Should i let it go or say something?
          I reach out via PM. I introduce myself, congratulate them on their new business, provide resources and let them know I would be happy to answer any questions they may have. One of the resources is the legally exempt and licensing ratio requirement document.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MomBoss View Post
            Should i let it go or say something?
            I don't think there's anything wrong with reaching out to someone. As long as it's presented in a sincere and pleasant way- otherwise you don't come across as a professional yourself. kwim?

            It does bother me too, but I don't typically address it unless I suspect there's something sinister going on.

