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Aggressive Children!

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  • Aggressive Children!

    How can I help my little guy (2) in my new classroom? He is in speech threphy twice a week and I plan to also talk to his therapist tomorrow. He is a very sweet kid, kinda clingy but the main problem is his aggressive behavior. I noticed it seems to be when he wants to join in, he smacks his friends, When he needs something, he hits,punches or cries. We are working on words and talking more but is there any other suggestions? I just wanna find a way to help him, cause most of the other kids fuss when he is near them. I teach in a 2 year old room usually have 10 kids and two teachers. Co teacher just tells him NO hitting, that hurts over and over. We also have two other kids who are more aggressive (mostly stealing toys, crashing on bikes, throwing fits). I just wanna make it all ok

  • #2
    I have one like this, he's new. He'll smack a friend with a toy...but he's not mean. He's saying "hey, look what I have...come play with me" He's not very verbal yet so I'm helping him learn to say "Hey" instead.


    • #3
      Im working on words but alas, its slow going. the other kids scream at him every time he hits, grabs ect. I know he doesn't mean to hurt them but and I feel bad that the other kids are crying and upset cause "He pulled my (insert body part here" or "he crashdid me!" Trying to explain to the kids he's just trying to find a way to play does not help, they call him the mean kid (and yep they have to go to table toys when they do)


      • #4
        If a dck is doing it for attention, can you have them give a high five or just wave and say hi, instead?
        It's hard. I have a 4 yo dcg(in prek now) who is(and has been)very verbal all along but craves attention soooo much that she is terribly aggressive to everybody. It's frustrating because nothing I've ever done has worked. But she can be the sweetest little girl in the right circumstances. However, she wants and seems to need to be the center of it all.


        • #5
          well, today I talked to the therapist who came for breakfast and was there in time to see the 35 minute "I want milk" but then i am going to say I"M done meltdown. She suggested some deep pressure exercises for calming. Even more cool is she was doing them with DCB at the breakfast table and two of my other active children joined in. Saw one doing the same thing later in the day. I told her about the issues we are having and she plans to bring it up in her meeting with the parents next week. I spent alot of time today coaching him on how to show his friends he cares or wants to play, without causing them pain. Hopefully it helps/

