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No Health Concerns, But Going To Occupational Therapy?

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  • No Health Concerns, But Going To Occupational Therapy?

    Upcoming interview - when asked if her child has any allergies or health concerns she said "no, but tends to be very clumsy so at home she is monitored for trip hazards and also will be going to occupational therapy to help develop stronger motor skills."

    Is that possible? Don't you have to have a doctor diagnosed condition to receive occupational therapy?

  • #2
    You just have to be willing to pay out-of-pocket, I'm sure. My kid's former private school offered occupational therapy on campus without a diagnosis. They suggested she attend, although we opted out (because you had to pay for it).

    She flunked stairs. :: It's a Montessori school, so they grade all kinds of things in addition to traditional academic subjects. Her first year there, at a year old, they marked her "passed" for everything except for stairs. She kept turning around to look behind herself, and falling down the stairs. We hadn't mentioned it to the school, but since they brought it to our attention, clearly they had issues with it, too. We actually chose our first apartment in town based largely on how few stairs we'd have to navigate, because of how much trouble we were having with her on them.

    She's about to turn five. . . and still keeps turning around to look back while she's on the stairs. I should probably just take her to a flight of stairs on weekends and practice with her. :: DIY occupational therapy.


    • #3
      No, grandson has had occupational therapy and adaptive pe at school since K. He's now in 5th.

      He was finally diagnosed this summer with developmental coordination disorder (aka dyspraxia or clumsy child syndrome).


      • #4
        Glad I asked!

        Thank you for clarifying this.

