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Autism and Food Crops Sprayed With Roundup?

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  • Autism and Food Crops Sprayed With Roundup?

    I found this article interesting. Don't know if this is junk science but my family monitors what is in our food and where it comes from:

  • #2
    Originally posted by Michael View Post
    I found this article interesting. Don't know if this is junk science but my family monitors what is in our food and where it comes from:
    It is a hot button issue for sure, but not junk science at all. (My opinion of course) Big pharma would go out of business if we were a healthy population. Watching what goes in your food is a good call. This is just one of the many articles highlighting glyphosate found in vaccines as well.


    • #3
      Nope, I don't trust Monsanto and I suspect glyphosate for a lot of health issues. Hadn't heard it might be in vaccines! I can't bear to read that article!


      • #4
        Wow. Scary stuff.


        • #5
          Even scarier: Traces of Controversial Herbicide Are Found in Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream


          • #6
            Just remember that correlation does not mean causation. So for example you could point to anything that is being increasingly used and say it correlates with rising incidences if autism. It simply means they are both going up in the same direction. Causation on the other hand means there is a direct link that one CAUSES the other which is not what this article is saying.

            Much more research must be done to prove anything worthwhile here.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ariana View Post
              Just remember that correlation does not mean causation. So for example you could point to anything that is being increasingly used and say it correlates with rising incidences if autism. It simply means they are both going up in the same direction. Causation on the other hand means there is a direct link that one CAUSES the other which is not what this article is saying.

              Much more research must be done to prove anything worthwhile here.
              While they are figuring it out, I will continue to buy organic food and stay away from glyphosate.


              • #8
                I just ordered Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (marine biologist). It is an environmental science book from 1962.

                This was the description that caught my attention. "documented the detrimental effects on the environment of the indiscriminate use of pesticides. Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation and public officials of accepting industry claims."
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Michael View Post
                  While they are figuring it out, I will continue to buy organic food and stay away from glyphosate.
                  Even Organic can contain it unfortunately. However this program is worth looking into so you can be completely safe.

                  Glyphosate Residue Free certification enables you to avoid the world’s most used weedkiller in your food and supplements.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                    Even Organic can contain it unfortunately. However this program is worth looking into so you can be completely safe.

                    Great site, thanks!

                    "eating a certified organic diet (with only charcoal filtered water) for 3 weeks could potentially detox the glyphosate from your body"

                    Good thing I use the LifeSource filtering system in my home that is coconut shell granular activated carbon and eat mostly certified organic foods.
                    Last edited by Michael; 07-25-2017, 02:58 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Michael View Post
                      While they are figuring it out, I will continue to buy organic food and stay away from glyphosate.

