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My New Job, And This ONE Staff Member

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  • #16
    I call these types of caregivers, "Daycare Goddesses." In their minds they know it all and they are superior to all others when it comes to infant care. Often times they've done nothing else in life but care for babies. They see everyone else as being clueless when it comes to infant care. They don't care about research or recommendations - they know best. The "daycare goddess syndrome" seems to be most common with infant caregivers; probably because infants can't talk! The daycare goddess believes that no one can care for babies as well as they can and and they very effectively convince parents that they are the authority on everything baby related. The parents become deluded by these women and believe their infants are getting the best care in the universe.

    These caregivers are often a big part of the reason there is such a turn over with daycare staff. Everyone who is hired after them is a clueless peon and better simply get on board and let the goddess continue to run the show, or else!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      I think it will get worse before (if) it gets better.

      Any time there is change, people resist and if they've been doing things a certain way for any length of time, they will resist I am sure. Even if what they were doing was wrong.

      I say good for you for standing your ground and doing what's best for the program...

      The only suggestion I have is that I would move the woman to the preschool room. If she wants to do what she thinks she is best at, then change things up for HER even more and take her out of the infant room. That way she can't poison the other infant staff/teachers and will have to earn the respect and admiration of the other teachers she hasn't worked with all that much.

      That should help her learn to appreciate what you are trying to do. IF her attitude changes, then she can safely be returned to the infant room.
      Oh, what a great idea! What fun it will be for her!


      • #18
        I recall every center I worked in we all had to have SIDS training and shaken baby training. I had SIDS training about 15 months ago I think. It was a state requirement for all employees. Your state doesn't require that ? Yearly training, about 15-20 hours a year for teachers to get updates on new regulations. Do the inspectors come and check paperwork, look at the rooms, make sure everything is up to code ? It's so very odd that they are still doing things that way, I think the safe sleep practices go back a few years.
        Let those employees know that it's the LAW. Your center can be shut down if you are not following the regulations.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Leigh View Post
          When she threatened that all the other teachers would go with her, I'd have terminated her on the spot. I still would do it. Insubordination doesn't require written warnings.
          Agreed 150%

          She needs to be the example that you don't play games. Wasn't it some famous director would always fire someone the first day on a new set to put the fear of God into people? Maybe do that

          I worked in a centre exactly like this. Completely TOXIC. Trust me those other teachers are only acting that way because of fear. It sounds like a very toxic work environment. You have your work cut out for you.

