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$3400 Grant Money, What Would You Use It For

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CityGarden View Post
    Similar to any water table or pool it has to be monitored at all times. I believe it's easy to drain the water and I feel it would also be useful with items other than water --- sand, rice, water beads, etc.

    I will say your idea for employee training is compelling but since I am just starting out I am still investing in the physical space. If I was in your position I would likely go for the employee training / PD.

    Slightly OT but what made you decide to participate in QRIS? Are commercial daycare / preschools also doing it?
    I actually work with the state of california part time. several different things that I teach. I was asked about 5 years ago to participate in a pilot, which later was named........duhn dhun dhunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the evil QRiS....

    supposedly, they are saying that it will eventually become a requirement to have a family home childcare in the state of CA


    • #17
      Originally posted by daycare View Post
      OMG so sorry to hear this, but thankfully you are all ok. where are you located. I have read about these things, but I really didn't realize how often they happen,,
      Eastern ontario, a little south of ottawa


      • #18
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        That looks nice.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Eastern ontario, a little south of ottawa
          oh wow! thats quite a mess that storm made.


          • #20
            Originally posted by daycare View Post
            oh wow! thats quite a mess that storm made.
            Natural destructions seem to be happening a lot more.

            I remembered my password so am back in as myself. One of the problems with having computers remember passwords.
            Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
            They are also our future.


            • #21
              Originally posted by CityGarden View Post
              I would get the Community Playthings Outlast Cascade Play Center

              I love the quality from Community Playthings and this has so much value:
              • space for lots of children at the same time
              • water / sand play
              • compliments the Nature Explore Classroom / Outdoor Classroom Project program I aspire to have
              • science exploration
              • engineering exploration
              • could be used instead of a sensory table
              In a heartbeat!! My dcks would love this! Or anything else that would upgrade our outdoor space; the texture post is intriguing also.


              • #22
                I would buy a four or six kid stroller. Not a bye bye buggy but the lighter weight fold up kind, a light table with accessories and outdoor equipment!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  This is Mike. You won't see much from me till at least Saturday. I was going to post my own thread but with the title of this one, I just had to reply here.
                  Sorry for hijacking DC ::

                  Right now, we would love to come across $3400. Sunday afternoon we (myself, brother and mother) were out, and when we got home,
                  We figured out that our power lines must have been hit by lightning. Several things have been damaged but the biggest problem is our computers. My brothers is fried, including the hard drive. My computer is fried but luckily my hard drives are ok. I'm hoping to be back in operation Saturday. But, our Internet modem is also fried and they can't fix it till Tuesday, so until then my Internet is very limited.

                  Our uv water filter quit too, so we have to boil water now. A duplex kitchen outlet is out of order. We switch breaker on and it sparks and back off, so we need an electrician (one with more equipment than I have) to figure out where the wires got shorted. And a few more smaller problems.

                  I hope my mother's insurance covers this type of thing.
                  I'm sorry to hear this, Mike. I hope her insurance kicks in and that you can get back to normal sooner than later. My kids laugh at me when I shut off and unplug my computer during storms. I guess it would be a small loss compared to all the other things that can go wrong if your house is hit by lightening but.... I feel like I need to do it.


                  • #24
                    Am I the only one who can't even fathom what I would spend $3400 on? I'd be like the kid in a candy shop and not be able to make up my mind! That Cascade Play Center would have to figure in there somewhere, though. My dc kids would love it!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                      Am I the only one who can't even fathom what I would spend $3400 on? I'd be like the kid in a candy shop and not be able to make up my mind! That Cascade Play Center would have to figure in there somewhere, though. My dc kids would love it!
                      thats how I feel. I wish I could afford that table, even with the grant money, I would feel guilty buying only that one item...


                      • #26
                        Oh my! I just checked the link. That's a pricey piece of equipment! I'd have trouble spending that much on one thing, too. I'd still give it some serious thought, though. My kids love the water tables I have now and as simple as they are, will play with them all morning long - peacefully. The play center would keep them entertained even longer. There are some days when that kind of calm could be worth every cent!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                          Oh my! I just checked the link. That's a pricey piece of equipment! I'd have trouble spending that much on one thing, too. I'd still give it some serious thought, though. My kids love the water tables I have now and as simple as they are, will play with them all morning long - peacefully. The play center would keep them entertained even longer. There are some days when that kind of calm could be worth every cent!
                          I agree. My kids also live for our water tables and that would probably be the centerpiece of my program. Ugh. Decisions decisions.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            Is this stock photo or yours? We are not allowed to have anything over 2 feet on grass. It has to have 6 inches deep of approved substrate, plus it has to be 6 feet out on all sides!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Is this stock photo or yours? We are not allowed to have anything over 2 feet on grass. It has to have 6 inches deep of approved substrate, plus it has to be 6 feet out on all sides!
                              My state is pretty laid back about playground requirements.

                              These are the requirements for outdoor play:

                              Subp. 2. Outdoor play space.
                              There must be an outdoor play space of at least 50 square feet per child in attendance, adjacent to the residence, for regular use, or a park, playground, or play space within 1,500 feet of the residence.

                              On-site supervision must be provided by a caregiver for children of less than school age when play space is not adjacent to the residence. Enclosure may be required by the agency to provide protection from rail, traffic, water, or machinery hazard. The area must be free of litter, rubbish, toxic materials, water hazards, machinery, unlocked vehicles, human or animal wastes, and sewage contaminants.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                                My state is pretty laid back about playground requirements.

                                These are the requirements for outdoor play:

                                Subp. 2. Outdoor play space.
                                There must be an outdoor play space of at least 50 square feet per child in attendance, adjacent to the residence, for regular use, or a park, playground, or play space within 1,500 feet of the residence.

                                On-site supervision must be provided by a caregiver for children of less than school age when play space is not adjacent to the residence. Enclosure may be required by the agency to provide protection from rail, traffic, water, or machinery hazard. The area must be free of litter, rubbish, toxic materials, water hazards, machinery, unlocked vehicles, human or animal wastes, and sewage contaminants.
                                I want your regulations!
                                (I just don't want your cold and snow.)

