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How Long And How Often Are Your Kids Going Outside?

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  • How Long And How Often Are Your Kids Going Outside?

    I take my kids out 30min in the morning and from 3:30-5:30 in the afternoon. I have a DCB who wears 2 layers of long sleeve shirts and overalls in this 85 degree weather. Mom sent me a text this morning saying she was surprised to see his hands and back on neck were tan and leathery and was concerned about how much time they were spending outside and that he was hot to the touch when she picked up yesterday...and wants me to come up with a way to lessen his exposure.
    I told her hes wearing a lot of clothes which will make him hot and to bring a sunhat. I told her outside time is important and strongly encouraged by licensing. I dont know any daycares that dont have the kids outside as much as i do so I know im not doing anything wrong. Most parents dont want their kids cooped up inside. I put sunscreen on the kids so they arent burnt but yeah they may get tan. She is terrified of him getting skin cancer....hes 2.

  • #2
    I'd have her buy a sun protection shirt that is long sleeved. They're UPF 50+. It will be much thinner than an actual long sleeve shirt and overalls and still cover his arms like she wants. That's some THICK clothing he is wearing, no wonder he is hot. He could wear normal, cotton pants if she wants his legs protected.


    Or this is a one piece and has long sleeves and pants...:

    Hat is also UPF 50+ with a chin strap:

    I am open for 8 hours and most are only here 7.5 hours or so a day. We go outside for 1 hour in the morning since they're picked up fairly early in the afternoon and it is blazing hot here in the south.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I take my kids out 30min in the morning and from 3:30-5:30 in the afternoon. I have a DCB who wears 2 layers of long sleeve shirts and overalls in this 85 degree weather. Mom sent me a text this morning saying she was surprised to see his hands and back on neck were tan and leathery and was concerned about how much time they were spending outside and that he was hot to the touch when she picked up yesterday...and wants me to come up with a way to lessen his exposure.
      I told her hes wearing a lot of clothes which will make him hot and to bring a sunhat. I told her outside time is important and strongly encouraged by licensing. I dont know any daycares that dont have the kids outside as much as i do so I know im not doing anything wrong. Most parents dont want their kids cooped up inside. I put sunscreen on the kids so they arent burnt but yeah they may get tan. She is terrified of him getting skin cancer....hes 2.
      I don't get involved in these types of issues.

      "DCM, we go outside often. Please make sure you send the proper sunscreen of your choice and I will apply liberally and often. It would also be in DCB's best interest if you sent him in seasonally appropriate clothing."

      If she balks.....

      "DCM, this is how I run MY program. Your only option is to decide if my program works for you or not."

      End of convo.

      I am over playing some of the "weird" games parents play and addressing some of these odd fears and requests.


      • #4
        I agree with BC on this one. When it is nice we spend as much time outside as possible. We even nap outside sometimes. I have had a few parents who wanted the "special" for their snowflake. I explain that I apply sunscreen frequently, we drink water a lot and we go outside and that is how it is. They are free to find an indoor program if they wish.


        • #5
          I always love your responses, BlackCat


          • #6
            Once again BC for the win!


            • #7
              As for how long/ how often- daily about 30 minutes, weather permitting. If it's going to be hot we do it in the morning. If the backyard is muddy we go for a walk.


              • #8
                I don't have set times outside but we tend to go out in am this time of year and summer anywhere between 30 min to a couple hours. The afternoons we don't go out as much cause it cab get very humid here and with kids so young and heat warring in effect in the summer it makes it harder. plus the backyard gets no shade in the after noon but has shade in most of yard including playset in morning. But if it's cool we do go out in afternoon more so in spring and fall. Winter I go out for 15 min to 30.

                This fall we will also have 30 min walks twice a day for school so that will increase our outdoor time this winter.


                • #9
                  I live in the north where its cold and snowy 9 months out of the year, so vitamin D is much needed for these kids!


                  • #10
                    As often as possible. I have a covered back porch and two outdoor umbrellas as well as numerous shade trees. As a red haired adult who has battled skin cancer, I take all precautions for protection. My program involves a lot of outdoor time, lots of learning about nature and animals, and an Christian environment with talks about Jesus...any parent who has an issue with any of these are free to leave-but the fact that my waiting list is long and turnover low tells me I'm providing a much needed resource


                    • #11
                      We're out from after morning snack until lunch, and then from after nap until they go home with a short break inside mid-afternoon to eat afternoon snack. So, basically all day. I require parents to provide two sets of weather/temp appropriate clothing, a hat, and sunscreen. Sunscreen is applied twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon (even when it's cool and overcast).


                      • #12

                        J/K, we're currently in a heat advisory so I'm getting cabin fever. Usually we're outside twice a day for about 30 min at a time.


                        • #13
                          I live very far up north too, with cold weather quite often. SO, that being said, now that its FINALLY summer, we go out for an hour after breakfast. Come inside for an hour or so, then we are out until lunch. After nap, we head out for another hour or two. I think there is nothing more important for a child than the benefits of being outdoors.


                          • #14
                            We were out from 7-1045 this morning and will go out again from 330-530 this afternoon. This mom would hate me. Lol


                            • #15
                              I was going to joke that you should offer to leash him and tie him up under a sun umbrella, but she'd probably take you up on that!

                              We have days here that kids are outdoors 90% of the day. I apply sunscreen every 60-80 minutes, and encourage them to spend at least part of the day in the shade (they can draw on my patio with chalk under my deck, for example, and I have a 7 foot trampoline under there, too).

                              I have only ONE child who gets sunburn-my own. This fair haired/fair skinned little boy burns so easily (I put cream sunscreen on him, then spray, then put the white zinc oxide on top of his ears, which are the worst place for him to get sun).

                              I agree with BC-her advice is really your only option unless you're willing to keep all the kids inside all day (in which case, their parents would likely consider a new daycare). I understand the parental worry-it's legitimate. However, not dressing your child appropriately, overreacting to sun exposure, asking to keep the child away from the sun? That's overboard. I'd just let Mom know what you can and will do, and let her take it from there.

