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Help in opening a Daycare Center

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  • Help in opening a Daycare Center


    I currently live in NJ. I will like to know if anyone has any information in Opening my own child care service in Atlanta, GA.
    I am looking for a grant but I'm always running into scams.
    If anyone has any useful information for me to help get me started, please feel free to contact me in my email address listed below.

    Last edited by Michael; 07-26-2009, 04:28 PM.

  • #2
    We might be better able to assist if we knew if you were opening a home daycare or a large center? They are 2 very different types of start ups!



    • #3
      I've been interested in opening a large center for years, but I've been told to start with a home daycare first,but not certain about how to go about it, and if I am able to receive any help from the government to start it off.
      Any info will be greatly appreciated.


      • #4
        Originally posted by geminimay9 View Post
        I've been interested in opening a large center for years, but I've been told to start with a home daycare first,but not certain about how to go about it, and if I am able to receive any help from the government to start it off.
        Any info will be greatly appreciated.
        The best way to start is by deciding if you want or need to be licensed. If your answer is yes, then contact the licensing agency. They should have a packet that will get you started.


        • #5
          How much to pay

          Can someone tell me how much I should pay a sitter for my two boys. I have a 4 year old and 7 mos old. Currently I have my 17 year old neice watch them two days a week from about 8 to 5. I am only paying her 30 dollars per day, and I think she would like more. My thought is...she has no other responsibilities other than just being here. I always come home to a house that is destroyed, dishes in the sink, toys everywhere, towels everywhere when they go swimming, or when she has her friends over while she is babysitting. I don't require her to do anything...should I pay her more? All she does is sit and watch TV, or computer, and most of the time leaves the boys to their own devices. Any suggestions or thoughts?


          • #6
            Honestly, how much you pay a babysitter depends on some factors. Some of it depends on where you live and what the going rate for your area is. I recently hired a babysitter for my 4yr old son. I've never hired a teenager before (though he has been in daycare). I do daycare of my own, and for a child his age I charge $2.25. I paid her $5/hr, and she was great with him. She even did the dishes. My husband reminded me "you get what you pay for." If you want your niece to clean up after the kids a little bit through out the day, make your wishes known, and maybe throw an extra $10 per day.
            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Can someone tell me how much I should pay a sitter for my two boys. I have a 4 year old and 7 mos old. Currently I have my 17 year old neice watch them two days a week from about 8 to 5. I am only paying her 30 dollars per day, and I think she would like more. My thought is...she has no other responsibilities other than just being here. I always come home to a house that is destroyed, dishes in the sink, toys everywhere, towels everywhere when they go swimming, or when she has her friends over while she is babysitting. I don't require her to do anything...should I pay her more? All she does is sit and watch TV, or computer, and most of the time leaves the boys to their own devices. Any suggestions or thoughts?
              $30 a day in my area would be a very high paid provider. In my area $20-25 in the norm. And keep in mind us providers do this out of our own home so for less we have to do all the extra cleaning that you are talking about.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Can someone tell me how much I should pay a sitter for my two boys. I have a 4 year old and 7 mos old. Currently I have my 17 year old neice watch them two days a week from about 8 to 5. I am only paying her 30 dollars per day, and I think she would like more. My thought is...she has no other responsibilities other than just being here. I always come home to a house that is destroyed, dishes in the sink, toys everywhere, towels everywhere when they go swimming, or when she has her friends over while she is babysitting. I don't require her to do anything...should I pay her more? All she does is sit and watch TV, or computer, and most of the time leaves the boys to their own devices. Any suggestions or thoughts?

                $30 a day is fair, IMO, because she is watching the kids in your home. I assume you're providing all the food, etc, so all the expenses that are involved in running a daycare are provided by you. Your neice pockets the entirety of that $30. If you would like her to do more for the kids, a small raise may motivate her, but I would make it clear to her that the extra money was for cleaning up and being more involved with activities for the children. If you were to take your kids to an in-home daycare, where your fee covers all of the things that the provider provides for your kids (food, activities, toys, etc), you would probably find that you were only paying a small amount more than you're paying your neice, sometimes about the same amount and it would actually wind up costing you less (you'll def. notice it in your grocery expenses) Maybe your neice needs to see how good she has it, as far as babysitters are concerned


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Can someone tell me how much I should pay a sitter for my two boys. I have a 4 year old and 7 mos old. Currently I have my 17 year old neice watch them two days a week from about 8 to 5. I am only paying her 30 dollars per day, and I think she would like more. My thought is...she has no other responsibilities other than just being here. I always come home to a house that is destroyed, dishes in the sink, toys everywhere, towels everywhere when they go swimming, or when she has her friends over while she is babysitting. I don't require her to do anything...should I pay her more? All she does is sit and watch TV, or computer, and most of the time leaves the boys to their own devices. Any suggestions or thoughts?
                  I hate to be rude, but I think 30 dollars a day is kinda of low regardless of where you live. That's not even minimum wage. Teenagers your nieces age make more flipping burgers or packing groceries than what you are paying for. You are paying your niece about 3 dollars an hour for 2 kids! No wonder she doesn't clean up or do anything else! She probably feels since she is only making 3 dollars a hour, she shouldn't do anything else. As the other poster said, you only get what you pay for.

                  Don't listen to these home providers or home centers etc. They have other children in their home to take care of, which in turn is more income for them. You are her employer. Thus, her job those 2 days of the week. What I would do is have a LONG talk with your niece. Outline her responsibilities and your rules. Tell her you would be paying her say $7.25 (minimum wage at least!). Also explain to her that should she start to slack on your requirements then you and her will have to discuss arrangements again.


                  • #10
                    I agree with last poster...

                    I have 2 brothers that come to my daycare 2 days a week. 9-5 (but go home usually between 3-4:30). They are 4yrs old and 6 months. I get paid $80.00 per day / $160 a week. I wouldn't do it for $30 a day and I can see why she doesn't pick up after least at the rate you are paying. Would you work for that amount?

