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Need Help With Wording

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  • Need Help With Wording

    I provide part time care to a sibling set on Monday and Tuesday. It was the only availability I could offer this family at the time. Now that I have a family leaving at the end of the month I want to change her days so that all the kids are here on the same day so I can work least for the summer. Right now I have part time kids but I am working 5 days a week.

    The issue I am having is that Mom runs her own business and books clients based on when her kids are in care. I have mentioned switching days a few months back and she seemed open to the idea but seems afraid of losing her clients. I feel like clients will come whenever she is open and the day is not a huge deal. She agreed but again no confirmation. I wrote her a message a few weeks ago and she just ignored it.

    How would you word an email to her about it. I really want to hint at the fact that I may need to term if she doesn't switch but don't want to come out and say that. She is a good client and I don't want her to leave, but at the same time I want more time off. Why work part time 5 days a week kwim?

  • #2
    Sounds like she needs a really good reason to stop avoiding the situation. I'd send her an email or note saying that from now on my days of operation are going to be Tues/Weds/Thurs or whatever days you are wanting to work. She just needs the push. She's probably the kind of person who struggles with decision making and actually is very relieved when the decision is made for her.


    • #3
      This is your business and not your clients. If you want to work less days, you need to tell them. Be direct and you should be fine.

      Dear Client,

      As of 7/1/17 I will only be open Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Please let me know which days you'd like to bring your child?

      Short and sweet always works the best


      • #4
        How about:

        Dear DCM,
        I wanted to let you know that as of July 1st the days I will be open will change from 5 days a week to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I hope changing your contracted days will work well for you but I will understand if it doesn't and you need to find alternate care.
        Please let me know,


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ariana View Post
          I provide part time care to a sibling set on Monday and Tuesday. It was the only availability I could offer this family at the time. Now that I have a family leaving at the end of the month I want to change her days so that all the kids are here on the same day so I can work least for the summer. Right now I have part time kids but I am working 5 days a week.

          The issue I am having is that Mom runs her own business and books clients based on when her kids are in care. I have mentioned switching days a few months back and she seemed open to the idea but seems afraid of losing her clients. I feel like clients will come whenever she is open and the day is not a huge deal. She agreed but again no confirmation. I wrote her a message a few weeks ago and she just ignored it.

          How would you word an email to her about it. I really want to hint at the fact that I may need to term if she doesn't switch but don't want to come out and say that. She is a good client and I don't want her to leave, but at the same time I want more time off. Why work part time 5 days a week kwim?
          Dear DCM

          As previously discussed, services will now be limited to W, Th and/or F only as of July 1, 2017 and will no longer be available on Monday's and Tuesday's as they are currently.

          I understand this change may not meet your care needs and alternate care may have to be arranged. If this is the case, please let me know NO LATER than (date).

          Thank you!


          I'd keep it short and sweet and not open to discussion. The e-mail you sent (that she failed to reply to or opt to discuss) was her opportunity. She passed.

          Do what you need to do for your business and sanity.


          • #6
            Thanks everyone! I sent her the note today. Lets see how it goes. I really hope she changes the days and doesn't leave or I will be out two families at the end of June or 3/4 of my income


            • #7
              I wouldn't have sent the letter if it was that much $ for you. Ir at least give her 2 weeks notice and for her to confirm within 72 hours then you cab replace.

