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Why Aren't There Many Males In Daycare's?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I've seen 3 local child care providers close up shop. None of them willingly and 2 of them long time veterans.

    Accusations are tossed out there and even if it's unfounded or proven to be false the ramifications here in the U.S aren't provider friendly at all.

    Here, provider's are guilty until proven innocent and parents rarely remember anything but the accusation so the reputation of the provider is sadly never restored.

    The fact that parents can actually sue for pretty much anything here makes accusations a fear for all.
    YES! There is a discussion on a FB provider page and I cannot stress enough how serious it is to the OP. A mother is making comments about abuse and the provider not feeding her child and she STILL has this kid in care. Others are saying that she should do the same back tot he mom (make coments about mom abusing or neglecting him) and I am like NO!!! Do not play that game! It is not a joke and the provider is the one with the most to lose so it is far to risky to mess around with those types of accusations. This is one of the issues in childcare that is not grey to me. Friend, relative, total even joke about me intentionally hurting your child in any way and you will not step foot back in my home. This sort of crap destroys really good providers AND their families. It is not funny or something to be taken lightly.


    • #17
      Unfortunately, the fact is that men are STATISTICALLY more likely to molest a child than women are.

      I don't think this means that men shouldn't do daycare, but it does mean that some people may be more cautious and it could be more difficult to get clients. Especially for kids that still need help toileting or are in diapers.

      I'd send my kid to a "daddy daycare" though (if we needed one) because her dad isn't around much and it would really benefit her to have that male influence.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mommyneedsadayoff View Post
        YES! There is a discussion on a FB provider page and I cannot stress enough how serious it is to the OP. A mother is making comments about abuse and the provider not feeding her child and she STILL has this kid in care. Others are saying that she should do the same back tot he mom (make coments about mom abusing or neglecting him) and I am like NO!!! Do not play that game! It is not a joke and the provider is the one with the most to lose so it is far to risky to mess around with those types of accusations. This is one of the issues in childcare that is not grey to me. Friend, relative, total even joke about me intentionally hurting your child in any way and you will not step foot back in my home. This sort of crap destroys really good providers AND their families. It is not funny or something to be taken lightly.
        THAT is definitely what I will be doing. Better to be safe than sorry.

        Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
        Unfortunately, the fact is that men are STATISTICALLY more likely to molest a child than women are.

        I don't think this means that men shouldn't do daycare, but it does mean that some people may be more cautious and it could be more difficult to get clients. Especially for kids that still need help toileting or are in diapers.

        I'd send my kid to a "daddy daycare" though (if we needed one) because her dad isn't around much and it would really benefit her to have that male influence.
        No matter how common male daycare gets, that will always be a fact to consider. Just means we have to fight harder.
        Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
        They are also our future.


        • #19
          Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
          Unfortunately, the fact is that men are STATISTICALLY more likely to molest a child than women are.

          I don't think this means that men shouldn't do daycare, but it does mean that some people may be more cautious and it could be more difficult to get clients. Especially for kids that still need help toileting or are in diapers.

          I'd send my kid to a "daddy daycare" though (if we needed one) because her dad isn't around much and it would really benefit her to have that male influence.
          If you check statistics on male providers, there is very little to support tje fear. Most abusers are related or invited into the home by the mother.


          • #20
            Originally posted by mommyneedsadayoff View Post
            I know that more men commit sexual crimes than women, but when it comes to the person most likely to hurt their child, people need to look in the mirror, because statistics show it is you or someone you willingly let in your home. :confused:
            Originally posted by mommyneedsadayoff View Post
            If you check statistics on male providers, there is very little to support tje fear. Most abusers are related or invited into the home by the mother.

            It's true. There's too much focus on stranger danger. 90% of the abusers are family and friends of family, people the child knows.
            Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
            They are also our future.


            • #21
              Doing it since 2005

              My wife has had a daycare for over 30 years, in 2005 I became disabled so not working she got oked for 14 kids. I could not take the kids when I was working on my days off. It drove me nuts. Then I stayed home and said why didn't I do this before. I got attached to quite a few of the kids over time some times I got tears when they moved on to school. The kids would fight to get to sit with me and they listen to me better than my wife at times. There are a lot of men working with there wife's in the county, i don't do diapers for the only reason I don't want the kids to say something that doesent sound right. But every thing else works. Love the kids


              • #22
                Love this job

                Wage??? What wage, my wife doesent pay me.!!! I tell you I was a plant manager for 29 years the fighting and whining I got with the adults that worked with for me was far worse than the kids we watch. My wife has kids of the kids she watched years ago. I do worry sometimes as a ll the kids talk about is papa it's all good . My wife had he hip replaced and we didn't close I said I couldn't do it on my own. She proved me wrong and for 6 weeks I did it. There was a couple in the county that the wife passed and the guy continued and everyone loved him. So it can be done.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by mommyneedsadayoff View Post
                  If you check statistics on male providers, there is very little to support tje fear. Most abusers are related or invited into the home by the mother.
                  I had heard that the majority of abusers are "known to the child". I had also heard that many abusers go into positions of power where they will have access to children. So although it could be mostly family members or moms new boyfriend, it is also likely to be a caregiver, teacher or coach.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                    I had heard that the majority of abusers are "known to the child". I had also heard that many abusers go into positions of power where they will have access to children. So although it could be mostly family members or moms new boyfriend, it is also likely to be a caregiver, teacher or coach.
                    I do not disagree. However, teachers and coaches are far less likely to be prejudged as a possible offender. I am not sure if that is bc people think more highly of them or maybe they think they will be monitored more closely?? Not sure, but imo, a male dc provider gets the short end of the stick and in more cases then not, it is not warrented. My father was an integral part of my mother's dc program. I cant imagine someone thinking he could harm a child


                    • #25
                      Many offenders do go into a profession where they will have access to kids, whether it's a job or short term volunteer position.

                      There probably is less prejudging when it involves "more professional" positions, because they are usually more closely monitored, or less often alone with a child, but the risk is still there.
                      Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
                      They are also our future.

