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Ugh, Turnover

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  • Ugh, Turnover

    My two 4 yr olds, who have been with me since they were 2 mos, are leaving on June 9 and July 28.

    In addition to all the emotion of their leaving is the stress of filling the openings. I have 2 under-twos becoming over-twos over the summer so I'll have 4 openings at the end of August. (Grandkids are filling in the openings over the summer)

    There aren't any prospects so far. My waiting list families have found other care they're happy with.

    I hate interviewing and filling openings. And I'm going to focus on that emotion and ignore any others...

  • #2
    hugs! good luck!


    • #3
      I understand. I don't like the changes of everything that a new dcf or dcks can bring but it's really hard to see them go too. Think positive! Maybe you'll get some new families that are just as wonderful!!


      • #4
        ((hugs)) It can definitely be stressful....but I've come to actually embrace the change of kids aging out and newbies coming in. Provides just enough *different* to keep this job from being boooooorrrriiiiinnnngggg.

        Interviewing is tough for many but sometimes I think we stress about it way too much...(the make or break decision always comes during the trial period anyways). I can't believe the number of parents I've interviewed that came across as one way only to have their true colors show during the trial period so I've learned to use the interview to weed out those that are obvious and then really use that trial period to figure out if a child is or isn't a good fit.

        Do you take infants? There seems to be such a need lately....Do you limit the age range you take? I've found that definitely impacts your field of choices when filling spaces.

        How about extended hours or weekend care? Seems those are tough to manage for parents so it seems someone is always looking for non-standard hours.

        As for the waitlist pool...I've started having families that are serious about being on the waitlist pay a non-refundable fee which guarantees them that any open space will be filled first with a family from the waitlist before being filled from an outside source.

        I also keep in monthly contact with waitlist families so they can tell me they want to remain on the list or be removed so the list is updated fairly regularly. Makes filling an open space a bit easier.

        Bottom line though it sounds like you have things covered for the next few months so don't stress.... you've been doing this long enough to know that things always have a funny way of working themselves out.


        • #5

          I'm in the same boat - a family decided to switch care in May rather than in the fall. Of course I had been turning people away who called for immediate care, and now I'm getting zero calls

          This is the part of this business I really dislike.


          • #6
            Oh Amy, I so understand and will pray the right families come to you- as they should because you are AWESOME!

            I lost one a couple of weeks ago and I was beginning to think- oh I will need to step up advertising this spot because June 1st I have another opening. Boom, PERFECT almost 9 month old walked in to my house on Wed. Loved her and her mama so much I started watching her on Thursday. She is the perfect fit. Now, if I get one for the June opening great but I am not stressing it because I will still have my 4 I need to make this whole thing work. I only try to have 5 full time so I have one drop in spot.

            The right kidos will come. Enjoy the new beginnings


            • #7
              :hug: it is hard, especially when you get into the groove of certain kids and families or what I call the "sweet spot" and then you have to start all over again.

              I have only had 3 families leave, either for aging out or because they moved further away (my current family). Everyone else I have had to term! My current families I am hoping stay for at least the next year.


              • #8
                I do as BC does, I get a deposit from my families (I only refund for ONE circumstance, my closing or the child entering kindergarten. It's a small one-$25-, but if they're serious, they pony up the cash) and then I send an email blast monthly verifying that they're still interested in a wait list space, and what their scheduling needs are.

                IF they don't respond, they are removed from the waiting list.


                • #9
                  Thanks. These have been super-fantastic families. They always paid on time, always remembered me at Christmas, my birthday, Provider Appreciation Day, even Valentine's day! One of them gave us a dresser when they heard we needed one for Zach.

                  I do take infants. My youngest right now is almost 2 and it's been SO NICE not dealing with bottles, morning naps, crawling, eating everything off the floor, etc. But it's so hard to find over-2s that chances I'll end up with 2 infants.

                  I know it'll all work out and I've got time to fill the spots. It's just been so great with the group I have right now I hate for things to change.


                  • #10
                    I hate turnover, unless it's a kid/family that drives me nuts. I can deal with one or two leaving at a time but anymore than that and I panic a little bit.

                    Right now I definitely have 2 spots to fill for September. But will possibly have 8 spots to fill. It's complicated and has to do with many different factors, all out of the daycare parents control (hint: Head Start and GSRP don't have their sh*t together until the very last minute.)

                    Honestly I'm not even dealing with it until school is done on the 9th. Mostly because I can't.

