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Homeschooling And Daycare... Outside The Box Ideas Plz!

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  • Homeschooling And Daycare... Outside The Box Ideas Plz!

    So next year I plan to start homeschooling my kids! I found a co-op that I am really excited about and my kids are excited to take some extra music/activity classes during the day.
    However, with the volunteer requirements and all the running around I will no longer be able to offer full time fcc... I need to earn about 1200 a month and am scared to death I won't be able to find a way to earn the income!
    I know some of you do daycare and himeschool... I need help!
    How do you earn money while homeschooling? I am trying to come up with new ideas like;
    1) only offering after school care for school agers
    2) only doing 1 day a week of drop-in care for sahm' s to have "mom time"
    3) taking just one child and going unlicensed

    How do you guys make it work? Ideas please!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    So next year I plan to start homeschooling my kids! I found a co-op that I am really excited about and my kids are excited to take some extra music/activity classes during the day.
    However, with the volunteer requirements and all the running around I will no longer be able to offer full time fcc... I need to earn about 1200 a month and am scared to death I won't be able to find a way to earn the income!
    I know some of you do daycare and himeschool... I need help!
    How do you earn money while homeschooling? I am trying to come up with new ideas like;
    1) only offering after school care for school agers
    2) only doing 1 day a week of drop-in care for sahm' s to have "mom time"
    3) taking just one child and going unlicensed

    How do you guys make it work? Ideas please!
    LOTS of threads on homeschooling and daycare

    Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children

    If you register with the forum you will have access to the search feature and will find LOTS of info on home schooling and operating a daycare.


    • #3
      When I homeschooled I had less kids. That way I was able to take them with me when we did field trips etc.
      I had preschool and younger of my own at the time, so the dc kids were just part of the "homeschool".


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        So next year I plan to start homeschooling my kids! I found a co-op that I am really excited about and my kids are excited to take some extra music/activity classes during the day.
        However, with the volunteer requirements and all the running around I will no longer be able to offer full time fcc... I need to earn about 1200 a month and am scared to death I won't be able to find a way to earn the income!
        I know some of you do daycare and himeschool... I need help!
        How do you earn money while homeschooling? I am trying to come up with new ideas like;
        1) only offering after school care for school agers
        2) only doing 1 day a week of drop-in care for sahm' s to have "mom time"
        3) taking just one child and going unlicensed

        How do you guys make it work? Ideas please!
        Do you have a bachelor's degree in any subject? I teach online when my family sleeps and make good money.


        • #5
          Online teaching?

          Could you share more about your online teaching?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            LOTS of threads on homeschooling and daycare

            Search for the best information on daycare, and childcare for your children

            If you register with the forum you will have access to the search feature and will find LOTS of info on home schooling and operating a daycare.
            Thanks! I wasn't logged in when I posted but have since searched for posts pertaining to homeschool ☺

            "Do you have a bachelor's degree in any subject? I teach online when my family sleeps and make good money."

            That sounds awesome!!! Unfortunately no bachelor degree for me... 😯

            I had thought about taking less kids but not sure how I would nap the little ones on field trip days....???


            • #7
              I have been doing childcare for 20 years and I homeschooled both of my kids. Dd is now a teacher and Ds is in college. I know this is not the answer you are looking for but we "home" schooled. Which meant we were at home. It takes time at home to get the work done. If we wanted any field trips, classes etc we did them in the evenings or on the weekends. Yeah, we weren't part of the "cool" homeschoolers but my kids got an excellent education and I still kept up the business and even put my husband through college. If we could make it to the monthly skating because of a fluke in the schedule- we would do that but otherwise I didn't worry about it. We hosted kids from Japan for a month in the summer (4 times) my daughter went to Japan. My son trained in an Olympic sport, traveled to compete, (dad taking him) and is in college now on scholarship for that sport. I could never understand how other families ran all the time to do cool classes because we needed that time at home. I never got in to the coop thing because if I wanted them to be taught by someone else I would have sent them to school. I am very grateful though that I had littles here when schooling though. It taught them compassion for the littles, patience, and how to care for little ones! I would not trade the experience. So, I guess what I am saying is that if it doesn't work out like you want it to, it may still be a wonderful experience.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MrsSteinel'sHouse View Post
                I have been doing childcare for 20 years and I homeschooled both of my kids. Dd is now a teacher and Ds is in college. I know this is not the answer you are looking for but we "home" schooled. Which meant we were at home. It takes time at home to get the work done. If we wanted any field trips, classes etc we did them in the evenings or on the weekends. Yeah, we weren't part of the "cool" homeschoolers but my kids got an excellent education and I still kept up the business and even put my husband through college. If we could make it to the monthly skating because of a fluke in the schedule- we would do that but otherwise I didn't worry about it. We hosted kids from Japan for a month in the summer (4 times) my daughter went to Japan. My son trained in an Olympic sport, traveled to compete, (dad taking him) and is in college now on scholarship for that sport. I could never understand how other families ran all the time to do cool classes because we needed that time at home. I never got in to the coop thing because if I wanted them to be taught by someone else I would have sent them to school. I am very grateful though that I had littles here when schooling though. It taught them compassion for the littles, patience, and how to care for little ones! I would not trade the experience. So, I guess what I am saying is that if it doesn't work out like you want it to, it may still be a wonderful experience.
                We do the same thing! But seriously, this was so encouraging to read as we're just starting out at the start of the year I was kind of bummed we wouldn't get to be a part of the things other homeschoolers are doing, or do a random feild trip during the day. But God really opened doors to so many evening activities, and weekends when we can still do feild trips. Also, my husband and I schedule our days off together so we pick a few random days a year to do a "feild trip" on a weekday. Not nearly as much as the other homeschoolers I know, but still a good amount. And both of us get to be there! Now as we finish up this year, I love that we do it this way. The only other option for income would be to get a night shift or weekend job instead of the daycare but my heart's not in that at all. But it is another option to keep the days open if that's really important to you!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by finsup View Post
                  We do the same thing! But seriously, this was so encouraging to read as we're just starting out at the start of the year I was kind of bummed we wouldn't get to be a part of the things other homeschoolers are doing, or do a random feild trip during the day. But God really opened doors to so many evening activities, and weekends when we can still do feild trips. Also, my husband and I schedule our days off together so we pick a few random days a year to do a "feild trip" on a weekday. Not nearly as much as the other homeschoolers I know, but still a good amount. And both of us get to be there! Now as we finish up this year, I love that we do it this way. The only other option for income would be to get a night shift or weekend job instead of the daycare but my heart's not in that at all. But it is another option to keep the days open if that's really important to you!
                  And if there was something "fabulous" going on in the homeschooling world, I had a few friends that would pick up one or both of my kids. I remember a museum program that my daughter went to with one of her best friends. So in the summer, my kids may have gone swimming with friends or a bowling afternoon. But, like other "working moms" my friends helped out. So opportunities do tend to work out.
                  But, I do not regret the home time we had- especially now that my kids are grown. My daughter is getting married this summer. I am glad that she was raised with lots of little ones around. My son got home the other night from college and my little ones are so excited he is home! He told me I can't wait to hold babies He misses them when he is not here. He said, yeah, random people in airports don't go- here hold my baby. And if they did that would be creepy.
                  Enjoy your time with your kids and know they are developing life skills!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Georgiads View Post
                    Could you share more about your online teaching?
                    Sent you a private message


                    • #11
                      When my daughter hit kindergarten age, I dropped Fridays so I could have one day dedicated just to her. My kids were all part-time anyway (not my choice, just happened that way), so I was able to shift kids around and still give them the number of days they wanted. Fridays were our field trip days. On occasion, when I've needed more money, I've opened up a "field trip day" to the other kids, adding one or two kids from my regular group. I don't earn much for the day because I pay for their meals and admission, but have used their payments for the day to buy a family membership to the museum, which makes it totally worth it.

                      The next year, I dropped down to only three kids on Mondays (all that fit into my car). My daughter thrived on field trips and wanted to bring back the things she learned to the group (for example, after spending time at Plimoth Plantation, she wanted to dress as a pilgrim and get everyone playing Mayflower with her), but they didn't have that same field trip experience and so couldn't participate in the rich way she was hoping for. So my thought was to take field trips with some of the kids, and then they'd be working from the same knowledge base. Didn't work out that way (worst day of the week to do it--nothing's open--but it's what worked for my families), but it morphed into Monday hikes with another homeschooling family, which has its own benefits.

                      I also started working with other homeschoolers so my daughter would have a peer group to learn with. So this year, I have two threes, a four, a seven, and two eights in my group (3 preschoolers, 3 homeschoolers). The younger kids' naptime is dedicated to more focused reading/writing work with the homeschoolers.


                      • #12
                        I'm another one who just HOMEschools. Have done the daycare for over 4 years, my own kids will be 14 and 13 this Summer. They have 1 extracurricular that occurs in the evenings and then Youth group as their social opportunities.

                        Sometimes I wish it could be more, but they are getting great experiences here at home helping me with the little ones. They say that true socialization is not the ability to relate to just your own age group, but to be able to have positive interactions with everyone from a baby to a Senior citizen.


                        • #13
                          Forgot to add: DH's work schedule allows him to get them to weekday or afternoon things like Dr appointments or the odd special practice that comes up with their extracurriculars, so they get some quality time with him as well.


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the advice!!! Maybe in a couple of years I can HOMESchool like some of you vets do, too! right now I don't know anybody in my world who homeschools so selfishly, part of what attracts me to the co-op is a resource of info for me and a place for me to connect with other homeschool moms as well it's only Monday and Tuesday so maybe I could find families interested in 3 day a week schedules? I have been advertising for a before and after school program and have had 0 calls :confused: ugh.


                            • #15
                              In my area home school families have to be careful to not overbook because there is such an abundance of social options.

                              What about offering a shorter day or preschool option?
                              My program hours are M-F 8:30am - 3:30pm.
                              Here is a good thread on short hours:

                              What about a 4-day week?
                              Since the co-op is M/T how about offering T-F and you would be free to volunteer on Mondays then drop your children off on Tuesdays without you.
                              Interesting thread on 4-days:
                              Tag search on 4-days:

                              If you only need $1200 per month what about taking on an infant?
                              One infant full time would be $1200 easily in my area and you could baby wear and take the LO with you...

