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How To Use Google/Search Engines?

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  • How To Use Google/Search Engines?

    Sounds like a silly question, but I mean in regards to being a daycare. I had someone call recently and said I didn't come up when she googled home daycares in our town. I have a website but don't use it much, mostly use my Facebook page but I also had a google listing but I kept getting recorded calls to pay for it and always hang up on those. Do you need to pay to come up first in search engines? How does that work? Any easy ways to boost search engine listings for the technologically challenged, LOL!!

  • #2
    Right at the bottom of the main Google search engine page you should see "business" click on it and add your business! I don't think it costs anything. Might work too


    • #3
      Searches finding websites is called search engine optimization, or SEO for short. There are many things on, or about, a website that that determine whether or not a search will find it, and how well it will rank in results. I've been doing web hosting, design, and seo professionally for 15 years. PM me with your website url if you want me to take a quick look and give you some free pointers.
      Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
      They are also our future.


      • #4
        The easiest way for people to find your website would be to add your daycare to Google places but for that you'd need to include your address which would be public. Local people that do a search for "daycare" near them would get all businesses with descriptions, categories or names with the key word etc would pop up. If you list your address the person looking for daycare see your listing pop up. Include a link to your website on your listing and the traffic would get diverted to your site.

        It's not ideal to only rely on that method by itself but it's a good start. When local people

