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How Do Your Clients Sign In Daily?

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  • How Do Your Clients Sign In Daily?

    What does your sign-in process look like?

    I've had a few different systems in place for this and haven't really found one that works.

    I originally had something where there were 3 or 4 slots per day on a homemade sheet I had made for people to sign in and out but then since I was new, a lot of them went unused.

    I also did one section of a three-ring binder per child but then I had to fill in the dates and it was fussy. So I'm trying to find a new way to do it that simplifies everything while not wasting paper...



  • #2
    One sheet of paper per child. Stack is on a clipboard, with a pen, at the door. Child's name at the top.

    Five columns:


    Parent can't leave without filling it in at drop off and pick up.


    • #3
      I do the week of: ___-___

      One sheet per child (or family)

      All they have to do is put the time in/out and sign. It is not optional

      For regulations here, they can sign once per sheet... but I prefer them to do so per time.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Michael; 09-21-2017, 02:27 PM.


      • #4
        One page daily, name of each child/family and an in and out 'time" line (based on my cell phone clock)... most my families drop with one parent & pick up with the other; I have to remind some parents to sign


        • #5
          I rarely have to remind anyone, mostly just the parent or friend that does not normally come.

          I have one sheet for the month or four full weeks (landscape) with all dates and names preprinted. A column for in, out, and intails daily then a signature at the end of the week. All families are part time so the days that they don't come are shaded in. The clock by the door is the master clock. I have the clipboard infront of the kids cubes with two pens, in case someone walks a way with one again.


          • #6
            I have a clip board by the door.

            It lists all the kids (vertically) and says Time In/Out - Parent Signature for Monday through Friday.

            I don't remind anyone. If they forget, they are automatically charged through close time (5:00) so it's rare anyone forgets.

            I am required to have a sign in/out sheet if I accept families using state assistance but since I can't single families out I have to have all families do it.


            • #7
              I print off a calendar for each family every month and staple them together like a book in alphabetical order. Parents write down time (from MY clock) and initial upon arrival and departure. Days they are not here are X'd out. I include notes/reminders etc on the page.

              We are required by regs to have a sign in/out system.

              I find this easy and parents can't ever say "I didn't know" about a certain thing, when I have notes right in front of them.

              I attached a sample. I use clip art to make it cute or festive. April's sign in sheets are covered in Easter stuff.

              I do it using "Printmaster" but there are numerous programs out there to make calendars.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Sign in\out sheets

                We have a clipboard for each age group on a table in the gym with a sheet that has "time in", "signature", time out & signature with each child's name in aphrabetical order by last name


                • #9
                  The state of WI has a form we're required to use. It's one week per sheet with children's names down the left and days/in-out across the top. I shrunk the sheet down so I could add the provider sign in/out at the bottom and the columns on the far right.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    I have a clipboard with a sign in sheet. Everyone uses the same one, but first names of kids only. you sign your kid in and out, and initial. Subsidy kids also have to sign in on their subsidy sheets.

                    I'm not required to have anything, but it makes spot inspections/audits for the food program easier. I can just show that my sign in sheets match my attendance records.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
                      The state of WI has a form we're required to use. It's one week per sheet with children's names down the left and days/in-out across the top. I shrunk the sheet down so I could add the provider sign in/out at the bottom and the columns on the far right.
                      What do you do with kids that sign in and out more than once a day? Do you write their names down twice or squeeze it in those little boxes?


                      • #12
                        Binder by the door - lists all 5 kids on one page with time in and time out for each day of the week. So at end of the year I have 52 pages.


                        • #13
                          I like your idea Meeko. Thank you everyone for input!!


                          • #14
                            I have a simple spreadsheet with spot to fill in the parent's name, month and the child's name along the top.
                            The spreadsheet itself has columns with the following:
                            - Date
                            - Time In
                            - Signature
                            - Time Out
                            - Signature
                            - Time In
                            - Signature
                            - Time Out
                            - Signature
                            (mine repeats itself because I used to do before and after school care so I'd have a spot to sign kids in and out in the AM and then again in the PM and never changed my sheet)

                            Down the "Date" column I have it numbered:
                            4th ... etc
                            all the way to 31st
                            Parents sign on the line with today's date.

                            Super simple, super easy. Same sheet each month for each child. I print out about 6 sheets per child at a time and put them all in a binder. Each child has a divider with their name on it. I put the blanks in the back of the child's filled out sheets and just move a blank one to the front at the beginning of each month.

                            My binder also holds my emergency information so it's easy to grab and go in an emergency. I hole punch all of my kids files and keep them in the same binder so when licensing visits all of my documents are there too.

                            I attached it below
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Am I the only one who doesn't have them sign in or out?

