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8 Month Old Weaning Off Naps?!

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  • 8 Month Old Weaning Off Naps?!

    I have an 8 month old that has never been a good napper. When he started at 3 months, he took 15-45 minute naps, at most. At the beginning of this week, he started taking only two 15 minute naps. Yesterday, he second nap ended at 12:30 and mom said he went the rest of the night until bedtime (7:30) without another nap. He has always been a great night time sleeper. Anywhere from 10-12 hours. When he is awake, he is happy, for the most part. He doesn't act like he is tired or needing the sleep. I have noticed when I put him down for his naps, he isn't tired. He cries for about 15 before falling asleep
    and then sleeps for 15 minutes. I always have left him in his crib for at least 15 minutes after he has woken, to show him I don't come right in when he wakes. He cries off and on until I come get him. I had been laying him down around 9, 12 and 3. Today I have decided to just hold off on naps and wait for cues from him that he is tired. Mom said he was up at 6, and so far, he has shown me no cues that he is even remotely tired. He is as happy as can be. Has anyone ever experienced this with a child of this age? Is it even possible that he could be weaning off naps completely at 8 months old?

  • #2
    If a child does not need sleep and is not tired they will not sleep. The fact that he falls asleep in 15 minutes tells me he is tired and needs a nap.

    My own child was a terrible sleeper at night and for naps and was perfectly pleasant all day long. It might just be his personality because clearly my daughter needed to sleep more than she was sleeping!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ariana View Post
      If a child does not need sleep and is not tired they will not sleep. The fact that he falls asleep in 15 minutes tells me he is tired and needs a nap.

      My own child was a terrible sleeper at night and for naps and was perfectly pleasant all day long. It might just be his personality because clearly my daughter needed to sleep more than she was sleeping!
      I agree! I think the issue is learning to stay asleep.
      I think this is fairly common around 7-9 months.
      Most the issues I read where providers have trouble with kids napping seems to be around the 7-9 month mark and then again around age 3ish.

      Personally, I would try weaning him towards one solid afternoon nap instead of two naps.

      I've had success with transitioning to one nap when those kids that 'used' to be fairly good/solid nappers start to have issues around the 7-9 month mark.

      It feels more like working together forward than trying to go back to what they "once were" kwim?


      • #4
        I forgot to mention that this week when he has only taken two 15 minutes naps, I was still putting him down for a third nap, but he would not fall asleep. He cried for awhile and then would "talk" for up to 30 minutes before starting to cry again. At that point, I am figuring he just isn't going to nap.


        • #5
          I believe kids really need that sleep and that is way too young to drop naps all together but that's just me. I would start transitioning him to one nap. Between 8 and 12m I start getting kids on the "big kid" schedule of one nap at 12:30. Not only is the nap/rest good for them, it's a break and quiet for me!


          • #6
            IMHO, you're putting him down too often. Say he goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps for 11 hours. You are trying to put him down 2 1/2 hours later @ 9. He cries for 15 minutes, then sleeps for 15. Again, you try to put him down in 2 1/2 hrs.

            I think he only needs 1 nap instead of 3.


            • #7
              Tried the one nap today. He slept for 50 minutes. No great, but better than 15 minutes!


              • #8
                Wow, I've never heard of such a little one not needing much sleep. He might not need it but if I were his caregiver, I sure would need it.
                I hope changing him to 1 longer nap a day works out for all of you. happyface


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Tried the one nap today. He slept for 50 minutes. No great, but better than 15 minutes!
                  happyface I'd continue to work towards one solid nap per day. Pretty soon you will probably see 1.5-2 hours of great sleep!

                  I'd also try to stay communicating with the parent. Perhaps the parent is willing to adjust bed time/wake time with child or continue at home with the same rest routine as during daycare as you progress towards one solid nap per day.

                  Sleep issues are tough! But they are hardest when the parent is working directly against you so I hope this family is one that is open to working with you.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Tried the one nap today. He slept for 50 minutes. No great, but better than 15 minutes!
                    That is awesome!! Since he is sleeping so solidly at night he might only need one nap. I would personally try for 2 and make sure there is at least 4 hours between 1st nap and 2nd nap.


                    • #11
                      He has struggled a bit with no nap this morning, but at this point trying to hold off until after lunch. There will be a learning curve for sure. May need to do two naps if he continues to show signs of being tired too early. I just want to try and be consistant, not go back and forth between 1 and 2 naps.

