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Can't Catch A Break

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  • Can't Catch A Break

    I have a couple of issues with a dcb and parents. I've had him for 1 1/2 yrs. and hes always been a naptime issue for me. Infancy-Screamed the entire time in infant room. Spoke of terming, parents begged and I gave in after they agreed to help. Things were better then around 1 yr of age dcb began banging/taking pack-n-play apart during naptime. I put pillows under it to keep it from sliding around, etc. He kept waking the other baby. At 18mos. I was happy to cot train him no longer in infant room. It's been 3 mos and he either falls asleep 15 min prior to rest time's end typically or if I'm lucky he will sleep 30min of the two hours but if I'm out of his site doing dishes, etc. he stands on the cot, runs around the room, scratches/bangs on the cot...anything to make noise and disturb others. Supposedly dcb naps 2-3 hours at home. I literally have to sit there in his sight and can't catch a break. Now dcm had to pay a late fee last week (6th time late in 1 1/2 yrs & 1st late fee after warning issued) and she is being respectful of pick up time but hasn't been herself with me. Lastly, this child is sick approx every 3 weeks. What do I do? They're very nice, pay on time, always provide what is needed, etc. but this rest time issue just seems to keep going and now dcm is definately upset with me for the late fee. I'm tired of the sickness spreading also. I send home per policies but a common cold does not qualify.

  • #2
    Some suggestions:
    *call for pick up if he doesn't fall asleep after 30 mins of lying down

    I don't think mom is being completely honest about naps at home. Or else he has tons of 'aides' that help him sleep. Jmho.


    • #3
      If this issue is negatively affecting the majority of children in care, the majority of the time, it is your responsibility to term. Guilt should not be an issue here, you have already gone above and beyond.

      DCB will probably do better in a different environment, anyway. His mom can find a center with a no nap room for him instead.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I'm with Cat Herder on this one....

        It sounds like the relationship has deteriorated to the point that it's no longer a working relationship.

        DCM isn't even communicating with you but instead is simply "snubbing" you. It's hard to come back from that.

        I think it's probably time to call it quits.

        You deserve to enjoy the day and not have ONE child have that big of a negative impact on it.


        • #5
          I would try and let daycare mom's attitude about the late fee slide off your back. I get where you are coming from, I do not like it when people are mad at me, but you did the right thing, and she can be standoffish all she wants but it won't change your policies.

          The nap thing... I would not provide care for an 18 month old who did not nap. I used to say that I was willing for them not to nap, but I was not willing to spend the afternoon with them after no nap! I do not know what you have tried so far, but what I would do is spend two weeks staring at him until he fell asleep. Every wiggle, every time he opened his eyes, every sound he made, I would correct and tell him to close his eyes and go to sleep. If he did not get into a pattern of sleeping within those two weeks I would give the parents the option of picking up before nap time, or terminating the contract.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fiddlesticks View Post
            I would try and let daycare mom's attitude about the late fee slide off your back. I get where you are coming from, I do not like it when people are mad at me, but you did the right thing, and she can be standoffish all she wants but it won't change your policies.

            The nap thing... I would not provide care for an 18 month old who did not nap. I used to say that I was willing for them not to nap, but I was not willing to spend the afternoon with them after no nap! I do not know what you have tried so far, but what I would do is spend two weeks staring at him until he fell asleep. Every wiggle, every time he opened his eyes, every sound he made, I would correct and tell him to close his eyes and go to sleep. If he did not get into a pattern of sleeping within those two weeks I would give the parents the option of picking up before nap time, or terminating the contract.
            I agree with this. This is what I would do (and I have done).


            • #7
              I agree with sitting right beside him and not letting him move a muscle. Some kids in the centre where I worked would just wiggle wiggle wiggle so I would put my leg over the bottom end of the cot so they couldn't move as easily. My leg was not on top of them and they could move if they really wanted to but it provided enough of a barrier that they felt somewhat restrained. I have also seen other providers do a really tight swaddle with the blanket to keep them from moving too much. I never felt comfortable doing that myself but it did work.

              If this doesn't work then term.

