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Policies Getting Questioned

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  • Policies Getting Questioned

    I have been discussing possible arrangements for K transport in the Fall, thinking that I might get to keep two of my families. I offered rates, and one family accepted.

    But the other family responded back, questioning my sick policy (I sent their son home a couple of weeks ago when he was compulsively coughing and was completely miserable) and also wanting guaranteed availability of drop in care on Thursdays. Mom has been in the habit of asking on some Wednesday nights if her kids can come Thursday. Sometimes I've said yes and sometimes no. But from her text this evening, it sounds like she wants some kind of permanent drop-in arrangement ????

    I answered with my sick policy and that I can keep Thursdays available for them if they're paying for the spot. I also mentioned that both my policies are normal for good daycares.

    I just feel so sad. I feel sad for the boy who was apparently so inconvenient to pick up. I feel sad that I'm apparently being asked to be treated like on-call daycare. I'm sad to lose the family, but it's seeming like that at the moment.

  • #2
    One thing that was odd to me was that mom seemed to be calling her son's illness "mild." I definitely wouldn't have called it mild.

    What does everyone else consider "mildly ill"? DKB had had a cold and was severely coughing (red face, tears, for a long, long time) when I called for pick up.


    • #3
      One thing that was peculiar to me was that mom seemed to be calling her son's recent illness "mild." I definitely wouldn't have called it mild.

      What does everyone else consider "mildly ill"? DKB had a cold and was severely coughing (red face, tears, for a long, long time) when I called for pick up.


      • #4
        It sounds like the family is looking for "do everything that I want or I'm not going to be happy". Figure out what you are/ are not willing to do and stick with that. If they pull, well they've already started looking that direction.


        • #5
          I think they're in for a surprise when their kid enters kindergarten and the school sends him home for these "mild" illnesses.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mom2Two View Post
            I answered with my sick policy and that I can keep Thursdays available for them if they're paying for the spot. I also mentioned that both my policies are normal for good daycares.
            I'd have left out the "good daycares" part. I consider myself pretty good AND I offer services for mildly ill children. A common cold is, in fact, a mild illness. :hug:

            Other than that your answer was spot on. You "would love to to have them contract for every Thursday at a rate of $____ and do not offer mild ill services at this time."
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pestle View Post
              I think they're in for a surprise when their kid enters kindergarten and the school sends him home for these "mild" illnesses.
              Here the school now 'suggests' pick up. It DOES NOT force it. We have been exposed to; lice, whooping cough, strep, pink eye, scabies, chicken pox, flu, etc.


              • #8
                What is mildly ill at home- lounging on the couch, resting, with parents, is MUCH different that in a GROUP care setting.

                I do not offer sick care as I do not have the space/set up or staff to maintain ratios. I WOULD if I could,because it would be a PREMIUM.

                I, too, exclude for symptoms. I am literally counting down the days until I move because I have caught most of my families in lies this winter alone. I just don't care enough at this point to replace for better clients, just to leave in a couple of months.

                Dcm said no fever. Dcd said fever.
                Dck said he threw up in bed last night (add details about that here, was not eating, parents said let me know if he gets worse---then he threw up here) dcp says no he did not throw up at home.
                Dcg suddenly 'absent' on Monday for a mommy/daughter day (open to close, M-F, no matter what kid) acts tired all day Tuesday, spikes a fever at lunch.
                "He isn't coughing at ALL at home." (coughing to the point of gagging, red faced, tears right in front of parent)
                The pediatrician said it's not contagious yesterday. (I'll need the note) brings note dated for that day, not the previous day (never brought kid to the dr until I pushed for the note before they return)

                I of course enforce everything I can, send home and have the 24/48 hour rule.

                Bottom line is that they have no respect for me or their children.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mom2Two View Post
                  One thing that was peculiar to me was that mom seemed to be calling her son's recent illness "mild." I definitely wouldn't have called it mild.

                  What does everyone else consider "mildly ill"? DKB had a cold and was severely coughing (red face, tears, for a long, long time) when I called for pick up.
                  Honestly, it doesn't matter if Mom considers it mild. If your illness policies detail that as an exclusion then it's an exclusion...end of story.

                  I send a note in Brightwheel the minute I notice mild illness symptoms and it states that they WILL be called for pick up and the child WILL be excluded for 48 hours should the symptoms worsen. It also details that all allergies need to be taken care of prior to school beginning as I exclude based on symptoms and not diagnosis. This has been so helpful.


                  • #10
                    Stop questioning yourself and let go of other peoples reactions. Their reaction has nothing to do with you and your rules, it is all about them and their ideas of what constitutes good care. Like Dave said they want you to do everything or they won't be happy. This is why they also treat their kids like one is excluded from their bad behavior.

                    If you did everything you wanted they would find something to complain about trust me


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Pestle View Post
                      I think they're in for a surprise when their kid enters kindergarten and the school sends him home for these "mild" illnesses.
                      I know, right? I am pretty certain that he would have been sent home from public school for what he had, because he was unable to do anything except cough and he was suffering so much he was just falling to pieces emotionally.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                        I'd have left out the "good daycares" part. I consider myself pretty good AND I offer services for mildly ill children. A common cold is, in fact, a mild illness. :hug:
                        What do you consider a "mild" cold? Many colds I could't really even keep up on the nose wiping. And then it's on the toys...the kids are spraying other kids when they sneeze at meal time... it goes on and on.

                        I'll wipe every 15 minutes-ish at the most. But really more than 30 minutes is's just a grey area for me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                          I do not offer sick care as I do not have the space/set up or staff to maintain ratios. I WOULD if I could,because it would be a PREMIUM.
                          Seriously. I've often thought that if I did do sick care, I would charge six times my usual rate or even more.

                          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                          Bottom line is that they have no respect for me or their children.
                          It's just so sad.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mom2Two View Post
                            What do you consider a "mild" cold? Many colds I could't really even keep up on the nose wiping. And then it's on the toys...the kids are spraying other kids when they sneeze at meal time... it goes on and on.

                            I'll wipe every 15 minutes-ish at the most. But really more than 30 minutes is's just a grey area for me.
                            According to current training all colds are mild illness. "Excluding children with runny noses, mild respiratory infections and colds is generally not recommended. As long as the child feels well, can participate comfortably and does not require a level of care that would jeopardize the health and safety of other children, he or she can be included."

                            I am not saying it is fun or easy in any way, that is why it is an expensive service I offer to parents. It is not included in their base tuition as it requires a separate room, secondary person and/or video supervision, toys and adapted activities, here. It is also only offered on a case by case basis.

                            I added it to my program to earn points on my QRIS score to become eligible for better grants to better meet the needs of my entire group.
                            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

